Blue Blossom Adventures

Stories and information from around the Beloved Universe

When the torrential downpour came, the maids working in the manicured woods scattered. The summer rains had finally come to the planet Victory beating back the sticky heat. The storm came so fast that the only warning was the wind ripping through the branches and roar of the water.

For Henry Patton though, he was not so lucky. He had been deeper in the woods than normal and was trying to help clear out the overgrown section. The young Terran wanted to install a recreation area near the temple. The temple of Ala had been a fixture for some time and needed more visitors. Maevin had been proud of him for the idea.

When the rains came, Henry was dragging a rather large branch when the wind ripped at his loose shirt. The maid that was working with him, Xion, called out and the two made a sprint towards the only shelter near them. It was an kiosk of stone with a roof that spread out from the center pillar providing cover. The rock was smooth from the years of exposure. They hopped the two steps to get themselves off the ground that was fast turning soft and muddy.

Even for the speed that they ran, they both were soaked. Henry more than the Xaltean maid. Henry’s loose shirt was sticking to him while his trousers dripped water into his shoes. He looked like a wet cloth bag wrapped around a human. Xion hadn’t as much to worry about. She wore what resembled a swimsuit bottom and a metal band on her sternum that followed the contours of her breasts. She was a Harvester of the Sixth Order. He knew the utility band was magnetic and held on to her skin through a sort of bio-magnetic system. Xion was wearing nothing else. Henry had gotten used to the fact that most of the maids around him were topless. It took a bit but he was finally getting comfortable with it.

 “You okay?” Henry asked as he sat down on the carved stone step of the kiosk glad the rock had retained the heat of the day.

“Out of breath,” she laughed as she began to ring the water out of her long, brown hair. “That came out of nowhere. Weather services failed again.”

“Something in common with humans then,” Henry added. “Ours are horrible at predicting weather too.”

She giggled again as she threw her wet hair over her shoulder with a splat. Before she could say anything else, the gauntlet on Henry’s wrist hummed and lit up. He tapped it knowing who was on the other end.

“Are you alright, master?” Mistress Maevin Maer’s voice came over the small speaker. “The maids said they hadn’t seen you when the storm started.”

“I was further in the woods clearing some brush,” Henry explained. “I’m under one of the kiosks out here. I’m not sure which…”

Xion spoke up at that point. “Northern rest two, mistress.”

There was a pause that lasted a lot longer than he would have thought.

“Xion is with you,” Maevin stated. It was not a question and her voice carrying a tone he did not recognize.

 “Yeah. She was helping me move brush.”

 “I’ll have a vehicle come pick you up and get you out of the rain.”

Henry shook his head even though Maevin couldn’t see it. “No, no. We’ll wait it out. We’re under cover and it’s a warm rain.”

 “As you wish, my master,” she responded but there was that long pause again before Maevin continued. “Xion—”

 “I understand, Mistress, and will uphold your expectations.”

 The channel closed with no other word and Henry looked to Xion with confusion. There was mirth in her eyes.

 “Did I miss something?”

 “There are propriety and rules when it comes to the lord of the estate,” Xion said sitting down beside him. “Third Order maids and higher are the only ones allowed to be alone with their master. It is because they have proven their loyalty and safety. I am only a sixth order harvester. I have not proven to my Arch Maid that I am trusted.”

 “Trusted? I don’t understand. You all have been really nice to me,” Henry responded, the confusion deepening.

 Xion shook her head causing the dark curled framing her face to bounce. The rain was still falling heavily accentuating the security of their little hideaway.

 “Oh, my master. You are so wonderfully naive. I wish the rest of the Houses could be like this,” She saw his face and so continued. “Would you feel so comfortable sitting with a maid from Black Forge Estate or House Irisik in general?”

 The mention of the Estate and House that Blue Blossom was in a feud with made the realization of what she was saying.

 “A lower ranking maid could be working with an opposing house. If I was with Irisik, I would have you where no one could rescue you.”

 Henry Patton chuckled nervously. “You’re...not Irisik?”

 Xion let out of a laugh of pure mirth, the smile that had been hiding in the corners of her mouth now covering her face. “How dare you insult me, My lord! I am loyal to you and House Avernell.”

 Henry knew she was mock offended and relaxed. The two stared out into the rain. It came down creating a gray curtain where the green and brown obscuring the woods.

 “Is it true your people hate us, master?”

 Henry turned to look at her but Xion’s eyes were still looking out towards the trees. He had no idea where the question came from but he took a moment to think before responding.

 “No, I don’t think so,” he said with a sigh. “I think Xalteans are misunderstood and that misunderstanding breeds fear. Do you think we hate you?”

 “I used to,” she admitted, her brown eyes flicking over to him with a bit of uncertainty. “People used to say that humans were disgusting creatures who could not control themselves. People who would burn our worlds, steal our resources, and violate our bodies.”

Henry swallowed, not quite sure how to respondt but Xion quickly bowed her head when she saw the expression on his face. “I’m so sorry, Master!”

“Don’t be,” he responded forcing himself to let the tension go. “I think it’s things like this that keep our peoples from getting along. We had our own beliefs about your people too.”

 “Like what?” she asked curious.

 Henry stopped for a moment. Having grown up within the Innocentia, they had a lot more to say.

 “I was told you all were wanton, decadent, freaks who only thought of their own pleasures.”

 Xion turned again to him and for a minute, Henry was worried he said too much but her eyes were twinkling. “But some of us are wanton, decadent freaks.”

 The young man laughed awkwardly and quipped. “I now see what Maevin’s concern was.”

 Instead of being insulted, she gently patted him on the shoulder. “Your virtue is safe with me, my master.”

Henry looked out towards the rain that had become a soft cadence. For a moment, this place had begun to feel like home.

© 2018 – 2025 by Jonathan Snyder

Title I – Bonding and Employment

Section 1 – Definitions

For purposes of this title, the following definitions apply:

  1. Quarter Bond – An individual bonded to a house for the express purpose of pursuing a skill or specific employment of their own free will. A Quarter Bond is required to wear a bracelet with an ID stone on either their left or right wrist.

  2. Half Bond – An individual bonded to a house for a set time as determined by the Arbitration Court or Inquisitorial action. A Half Bond wears a metal armband or collar with an ID stone on the left or right arm.

  3. Full Bond – An individual bonded to a house for the remainder of their natural life, as ordered by the Arbitration Court and in agreement with an Inquisitor of at least 3rd Order or higher. A Full Bond wears a metal ringlet with an ID stone on the left or right thigh.

  4. Rogue Bond – An individual who has violated the terms of their bond as stipulated.

  5. Heshut – An individual who has been bonded but has given up all rights to the Imperial Contract Code.

  6. Letters of Familiarity – A document attached to a bonding contract listing the implied familiarity of the bonded servant and any constraints imposed.

  7. Implied Familiarity – A section in the Letters of Familiarity document that details any physical, emotional, or sexual actions that may be taken with the bonded individual.

Section 2 – The Bonding Procedure

  1. Governance
    The bonding, regulations, and procedures to implement the Imperial Contract Code are governed by the Central Maid Directorate.

  2. Legal Requirements for Bonding
    A bonding contract is considered valid if the following conditions are met:
    a. A bonding contract in the name of the individual being bonded.
    b. An attached Letter of Familiarity or a statement confirming none is included.
    c. The chain code of the house and the chain ID of the bonded individual.
    d. The signatures of both the Estate or House representative and either the bonded individual or the remanding authority.

  3. Eligibility for Bonding
    a. An individual who volunteers and is accepted by a recognized Estate.
    b. An individual committed by the Arbitration Court or Inquisitorial Action.
    c. An individual bonded by direct order of the Imperial Family.

  4. Eligibility to Bond
    a. An Estate or House that is registered.
    b. An Estate or House that holds a royal charter from the Imperial Family.

  5. Bonding Procedure
    a. The individual is handed over to the Central Maid Directorate or to a licensed representative of a House.
    b. Using a signature stylus, the ID stone is encrypted with the chain code of the specific house. c. The bonding contract must be signed by both parties unless it is a Full Bond, in which case the remanding authority signs.
    d. Bond paperwork must be submitted to the Central Maid Directorate.

  6. Discharge of a Bond
    a. Bonds with contractual time limits end in the middle of the imperial year, as dictated by the homeworld.
    b. The chain code in the ID stone is purged and the band removed.
    c. The released individual is provided with the equivalent of one month’s pay and passage to their original city and homeworld.
    d. A letter of release is issued to the discharged individual and filed in the offices of the Central Maid Directorate.
    e. All possessions brought by the bonded individual and any personal items accumulated during the contract period are returned.

Section 3 – Administration of the Bond

  1. Responsibility of the Estate or House
    The contract holders are required to provide reasonable food, shelter, and care for all bonded individuals under their estate or house.

  2. Assignment of Positions
    The Estate or House may assign any position within the hierarchy unless specifically prohibited by the Letter of Familiarity.

  3. Transfers of Bonded Individuals
    a. Transfers of bonded individuals are conducted by erasing the original contract holder’s chain code and applying the new contract holder’s chain code, as described in Section 2.
    b. Permission must be obtained for the transfer of a Half Bond, while no permission is needed for a Full Bond.

  4. Challenge of Transfer
    A Full Bond, with an order of at least 3rd Order, may challenge their transfer by submitting a plea to the Central Maid Directorate. If denied, the bonded individual may request an Inquisitor’s intervention. If relief is denied by the Triad or Inquisitor, the transfer proceeds.

Section 4 – Discipline

  1. Standard of Discipline
    The discipline of Half and Full Bonds must be guided by the standard of Reasonable Response, defined as corrective actions that are proportionate to the actions or failure of the bonded individual and do not cause undue harm or incapacitate the individual.

  2. Acts Considered Outside of Reasonable Response
    The following actions are considered beyond the bounds of Reasonable Response and are prohibited:
    a. Penetration by any object, item, or by persons without consent.
    b. Infliction of severe bodily harm that impedes the bonded individual’s ability to perform duties or causes long-term pain and anguish.
    c. The infliction of death.
    d. Use of The Altar in discipline.
    e. Use of the Talons of Ala in discipline.

  3. Approval for Unreasonable Discipline
    a. Any form of discipline that exceeds Reasonable Response, as outlined in Section 2, must be approved by the Central Maid Directorate before being enacted.
    b. The use of The Altar or The Talons of Ala requires prior approval from the Gray Council representative to which the Estate or House is pledged, except in cases where an imperial writ has been issued, in which case the writ supersedes all other approvals.

Section 5 – Protections for Bonded Individuals

  1. Protection from Exploitation or Abuse
    a. Bonded individuals shall not be subjected to exploitation, abuse, or inhumane conditions by the Estate or House to which they are bonded.
    b. The Estate or House shall ensure that bonded individuals are provided with adequate living conditions, food, water, and necessary medical care.
    c. The bonded individual shall have the right to report any form of mistreatment, coercion, or exploitation without fear of retaliation.

  2. Right to Fair Trial or Appeal
    a. Bonded individuals shall have the right to contest any unfair treatment, violation of the bond, or other disputes by petitioning the Central Maid Directorate.
    b. A bonded individual may request a trial before an independent arbitrator or the Arbitration Court to address any claims of unfair treatment or breach of contract.
    c. In cases of disputes, bonded individuals are entitled to legal counsel or a representative to assist in their defense or claims.

  3. Access to Counsel or Representation
    a. Bonded individuals shall have access to legal counsel during all stages of their contract, particularly in situations of dispute, transfer, or discharge.
    b. Any bonded individual may request representation from the Central Maid Directorate or another approved body if they cannot afford legal assistance.

Section 6 – Bonding Contracts and Duration Clarifications

  1. Extensions or Modifications of a Bond
    a. A bonded individual’s contract may be extended with the mutual consent of both the bonded individual and the Estate or House, provided such extensions are documented in a new contract.
    b. Any modification of the terms of the bond, including extension of time, change of duties, or alteration of conditions, must be approved by the Central Maid Directorate and signed by both parties.
    c. Bonded individuals shall be informed of any proposed modifications at least thirty (30) days before they are enacted.

  2. Early Termination Clauses
    a. Either the bonded individual or the Estate may request the early termination of a bond under certain circumstances.
    b. Early termination of a bond by the bonded individual may occur in cases of severe mistreatment or breach of contract by the Estate or House, with appropriate documentation and evidence.
    c. The Estate or House may request early termination only in cases where the bonded individual is unable to fulfill the duties outlined in the contract due to illness, injury, or other valid reasons.
    d. Early termination requires approval from the Central Maid Directorate, except in cases of extraordinary circumstances, such as imperial orders or serious misconduct.

Section 7 – Economic Protections for Bonded Individuals

  1. Compensation and Remuneration
    a. The Estate or House shall provide fair and equitable compensation to all bonded individuals in accordance with their duties and terms of their contract.
    b. Compensation shall be based on the scope of work, skill, and experience of the bonded individual, with a minimum threshold established by the Central Maid Directorate.
    c. Bonded individuals shall receive compensation in the form of credits, goods, or services as agreed upon in the contract.

  2. Pension or Retirement Rights
    a. Bonded individuals who have served for a period exceeding ten (10) years shall be entitled to a pension or retirement benefits, including a sum of credits or land, provided by the Estate or House.
    b. Upon the expiration of a bond, the bonded individual shall receive support for reintegration into society, including retraining, employment assistance, or other compensatory benefits.

Section 8 – Health and Safety Provisions

  1. Health Examinations
    a. Bonded individuals shall undergo an initial health examination prior to bonding, conducted by an accredited medical officer, to ensure they are fit for service.
    b. Periodic health checks shall be conducted at intervals no longer than twelve (12) months, with additional examinations if required due to injury or illness.

  2. Injury or Illness Protocols
    a. If a bonded individual is injured or falls ill during the course of their bond, the Estate or House is responsible for providing necessary medical treatment and care.
    b. In the case of severe injury or illness, the bonded individual is entitled to paid leave and care until they are able to return to their duties.
    c. In the event of permanent disability, the bonded individual shall be discharged from their bond and provided with a disability pension or compensation as stipulated in Section 7.

Section 9 – End of Bond (Discharge) Process Clarification

  1. Reintegration and Support
    a. Upon discharge, the bonded individual shall receive support for reintegration into society, including provisions for transportation back to their homeworld or city.
    b. The bonded individual may receive additional support for finding new employment, training programs, or other social services to ease their transition.

  2. Discharge Process
    a. The discharge of a bonded individual shall be handled by the Central Maid Directorate and require proper documentation to ensure the bond is officially concluded.
    b. All property and personal belongings that belong to the bonded individual shall be returned to them upon discharge, including any accumulated possessions while under contract.
    c. A Letter of Release shall be provided to the bonded individual, certifying the end of the bond and noting any provisions for future assistance.

Section 10 – Specific Examples of Misconduct and Consequences

  1. Behavioral Guidelines
    a. Any act by the bonded individual that violates the terms of the contract or causes harm to the Estate or House may be subject to disciplinary action. Examples of misconduct include, but are not limited to:
    i. Neglecting duties or refusing to fulfill obligations as outlined in the bonding contract.
    ii. Engaging in criminal activities or acts that are unlawful under the Empire’s laws.
    iii. Failure to report illness or injury promptly.

  2. Consequences of Misconduct
    a. Misconduct may result in corrective action, including verbal warnings, reassignment to different duties, or more severe measures if warranted by the nature of the violation.
    b. The Estate or House must submit a report of misconduct to the Central Maid Directorate for review.
    c. Any actions resulting in severe harm or death will be reviewed by the Arbitration Court or Inquisitorial action.

Section 11 – Enforcement and Oversight

  1. Oversight Committee or Board
    a. The Central Maid Directorate shall establish an independent Oversight Committee to monitor compliance with the Imperial Contract Code and ensure the fair treatment of bonded individuals.
    b. The Committee shall conduct periodic audits of Estates and Houses to ensure that bonding practices align with legal standards and that bonded individuals are not being exploited.

  2. Annual Reviews
    a. The Central Maid Directorate shall conduct an annual review of all active bonds to ensure continued fairness and compliance with the law.
    b. Bonded individuals shall be given the opportunity to provide feedback during these reviews, and any grievances shall be investigated thoroughly.

  1. Remanding Authority
    a. The term “Remanding Authority” refers to an official body or individual empowered by law to make decisions regarding the bonding of an individual, typically the Arbitration Court or an Inquisitor.
    b. The Remanding Authority has the power to enforce bonding decisions and ensure compliance with the Imperial Contract Code.

  2. Inquisitor
    a. An “Inquisitor” is a designated official with the authority to investigate and adjudicate matters related to bonds, ensuring compliance with the law and overseeing the application of discipline.
    b. Inquisitors of at least 3rd Order hold the power to approve or deny the terms of a Full Bond.

Archiver Note

This is the first part of the Imperial Contract code dealing with the Bonded servants and the oversight. Title II is the bonded evaluation System.

© 2018 – 2025 by Jonathan Snyder

At this moment in time, the world was perfect. The Arch Maids had kept their charges in line, the first harvest was going smoothly and was actually ahead of schedule. It was one of those blessed moments that Mistress Maevin Maer could actually relax.

At the moment, she was strolling through the section of hallways that was open to the inner courtyard and thus open to nature. The cool breeze swept through her skirts and she made sure to walk at a more casual pace than normal.

It had been four months since her new master had arrived, a human of all people. When the High Baron Hesh Avernell had informed her of it, she had been skeptical. No one had anything good to say about humans and if she was candid with herself, Maevin had been sure she was going to be on her back with her legs open before the day was over.

That didn't happen. Henry Patton was someone completely different than the specter that people whispered in the halls. When he had gotten of the transport shuttle, he looked so timid that if she had raised her voice, he probably have run screaming back to the shuttle.

Her new master was so skittish. His eyes roamed everywhere except to herself and her maids. Any time his eyes landed anywhere else, a blush would cover his face but he grew. Over the months she had watched him change from the timid guy to someone who actually had leadership potential. He was still naive but that was something Maevin could account for. Her High Baron said that she needed to make sure Henry Patton succeeded.

Maevin stopped and leaned on the stone banister that divided the hallway from the garden on the other side. The leaves of the plants and petals of the flowers were still glistening from the morning rain that gently fell in the wee hours of the morning. The rainy season was coming up so it was expected. The glass ceiling would be closed before that hit. The Mistress of the estate watched the plants sway just content in the quiet and serenity of it all.


And there it went. Straightening, she put on her social mask and assumed her role. Running full tilt towards her was a young woman in her usual clothing of a pale pink tvekel blouse and skirt, her black hair done up in three braids that bounced around as she ran. She was newer but Maevin recognized Ikusa, the Estate Maid of the seventh Order.

“Maid Ikusa. What is it?”

Ikusa skidded to a stop in from of the imperious mistress, placed one hand atop of the other at hip level in front of her and bowed hastily trying to show the expected respect.

“It is the master!”

“What of him?” Maevin said, her eyes narrowing. Was he in trouble? Had he been ambushed by some part of their culture she hadn't yet taught him?

“He's with Arch Maid Burdak in the kitchens!”

“This is the master's estate. He may go wherever he pleases,” Maevin responded coldly and not happy for being disturbed over something so obvious.”

“No, mistress! He's with the Arch Maid and he's cooking!

Maevin frowned. Lord Henry was cooking? The Mistress understood why the girl was freaking out over this. Xaltean lords did not cook for themselves unless they wanted to and if they did, it would have been in a private kitchen, not the galley for the rest of the estate. It was inappropriate but that was about it. Maevin's concern now was propriety and making sure that Henry was respected as he should be.

Swiftly leading the way with Ikusa trailing behind, they made their way through the estate and soon burst into the kitchen. The sight that was before Maevin was a mixture of surprise, horror, and predictable. Burdak was standing by one of the long marble counters where they prepped food. He had his arms crossed watching the three maids that were there with him. In the center of the attention was Lord Henry. He was mid passing a plate to Maid Utena who was reaching out for it. There appeared to be some sort of food on it. It was triangular and appeared to be covered in melted cheese. Nizzie had already taken a bit with a string of cheese between her mouth and the breaded item while the third maid had been examine the item on the counter. They all were looking at her.

Henry was surprised while Maevin was certain Burdak was smirking. For Utena, the skullery maid, and Nizzie, the color had drained from their faces and there eyes were extremely wide. They all knew that it was extremely disrespectful to eat in front of the Lord of the estate without proper protocol and procedure. The fact that these three were planning to stuff their faces with food outside their schedule and in front of their master infuriated Maevin.

“Oh...uh...Maevin,” Henry started, that easy smile coming to his face. “I didn't expect you. Would you like a slice?”

“The Terrans call it a pizza,” Burdak explained as Maevin approached, her eyes narrowed at the Arch Maid. “It is a baked bread with a spiced sauce made from a fruit called a tomato. Items of one's choice is added and then covered with a layer of cheese.”

“I asked Burdak to order the ingredients. I couldn't find anything close to an Earth tomato in our stores.”

“And you chose to bake it here in the galley instead of your private kitchen?” Maevin asked keeping her tone even and polite. As much as she wanted to lecture, she was his to command.

“Burdak mentioned it but I couldn't show you all,” Henry beamed. “I wanted to make this and share as a token of my gratitude for everything you and the maids have done. I wanted to show how it was made so that we can get it into tomorrow's lunch cycle.”

Maevin stood there caught between her wanting to beat some sense in the foolish maids but also appreciate the beaming face. Her heart mellowed a bit realizing that he was just being himself.

“My master, you are very very kind to treat the maids with so much attention,” she started. Henry's face changed slightly and he nodded more to himself.

“It's a social mistake, isn't it?” he said and Maevin let a small smile grace her face to disarm any of his nervousness.

“Please explain to our lord, Maid Nizzie,” Maevin said turning her icy blue eyes to the maid. Nizzie swallowed looking terrified. The Mistress knew that everyone here knew better.

“It is considered inappropriate for those of our station to eat with the lord of the estate without proper protocol being followed. Appropriate dress, correct scene for such a meal, and with the permission of the Mistress.”

“Ah,” Henry said with a sigh setting down the knife he had been using to cut the pizza. “I didn't know that.”

“Burdak should have mentioned it to you,” Maevin responded eyeing the arch maid.

“I felt it was more important for our master to express his excitement over presenting his people's food over protocol. It is three maids whome have proven themselves to be able to keep things to themselves.”

“Is that what you thought?” Maevin asked letting the accusatory tone in her voice.

“I felt that denying Lord Henry would have disappointed him. Something I believe would have been much more inappropriate than a few maids enjoying a meal.”

The Mistress of Blue Blossom's mouth became a firm line. Burdak was not a bonded servant so there was little she could do in the traditional sense. He came with an impressive record and always seemed to be able to phrase things that disarmed her.

“I respect the situation, Maevin,” Henry said with a smile. He looked about. “Please allow the maids to finish their meals.”

The three maids perked up at that but Henry continued.

“And after that, you can have their bottoms switched no more than three times,” he finished. “That way the discipline is met and the order is kept.”

Maevin let the smile come to her face. He was figuring it out. The human was starting to find a balance in enforcing the expectations of the house while still being him.

The three maids on the other hand did not seem pleased.

“But master—–” Nizzie started to whine. Maevin immediately took a step forward to grab the girl by the hair and pull her back. The fact that she was about to complain in front of her Lord caused the anger to burn inside. Henry was quicker though and lifted his hand for silence.

“Nizzie. Do you wish more than three?”

The girl shook her head quickly causing the two yellow pigtails to bounce and immediately went back to eating sullenly.

“Do you wish to have a piece?” Henry asked.

Ikusa, to her credit, folded her hands and bowed. “I shall wait till tomorrow's lunch period, my lord. I wish to be able to sit down.”

Nizzie let out a half strangled sob between bites. Utena's eyes were cast down and so was the other maid but they gingerly took the food to eat.

“You're a mistress, you can have a piece, right?” Henry asked.

“Yes,” Maevin said with a nod. “But I prefer to wait, if it will not offend you, My master.” The mistress was not going to eat in front of him!

“No offense taken,” Henry said cutting himself a slice and moving it to his plate. “I've been looking forward to this.”

Maevin stepped away and turned towards the door. In the shadow, like a good apprentice, stood Siv. She had heard about what was going on and had kept her distance to listen. As the Mistress exited, Siv spoke softly so not to disturb Henry's happiness.

“I'll have the maids dealt with as soon as they're done and Lord Henry will release them,” Siv said with certainty.

“Not to hard,” Maevin said with a sigh. “Lord Henry would not want it and if he sees any welts, he'll stress.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

With that, Maevin glanced at the digital time piece on her delicate wrist and sighed. She had to prepare for the evening briefs about events on the planet.

There went her quiet time.

© 2018 – 2025 by Jonathan Snyder

For Henry, the only time that he felt like he was able to comprehend and make good decisions for Blue Blossom Estate was tending to the temple and the manicured lawn about the estate. There was something soothing with walking around the inner courtyard and lawn and in the neatly kept woods that made him at peace.

Especially today, the summer heat had not fully hit per Mistress Maevin Maer’s advisement, and she felt it would be a good few days to make sure everything was the way he liked it. The sun was bright but there was enough clouds to make it easy to see. The heat wafted around him but it was cooled quickly when the breeze picked up. Red Truffets sung in the cheers that mixed with the swishing of the leaves and the Xaltean voices around him.

Now, he was supervising the cleaning and maintenance of the estate temple to the Goddess Ala with about a dozen maids of both genders. Henry was leaning on a rake watching everyone work since the last two times he tried to drag a fallen branch from the storm two days ago or try to wash the marble steps, a maid came chattering at him to admonish him that a lord should not stoop so low as to clean. The maids that he worked with the most had grown to understand him and were a lot more informal...especially when the Mistress wasn’t around. Henry had seen the softer side of the dark haired beauty who ruled the estate. He had seen her smile. In front of any of the other staff, she was cold and when there was impropriety or disrespect, she was ruthless. There were quite a few times that he walked in on Maevin chewing out Arch Maid Abiva or Arch Maid Nish who stood there and took the admonishment with a stoic presence. Henry was amazed. They took the tongue lashing but were also bold enough to push back for their maids when needed, even when it sparked a deeper hury in their mistress’ eyes. Those two defended their people and the human could see why they were in their positions. They spoke to power with confidence.

Henry Patton shook himself out of his thoughts when he heard him being called. He focused to see a very beautiful woman bouncing towards him waving her arm to get his attention.

Oh, god, Henry thought realizing it was Minda. Minda was a new addition to the estate after the releasing ceremony where bonded maids who had reached the end of their contracts were released from the house. With this woman, it was extremely difficult to keep one’s eyes above her collar bone. She was bubbly more than any Xaltean he met and was also prancing from one chore to the next. Her thick, red hair bounced about but the problem was that her hair was not the only thing that bounced.

Minda detested wearing her top and so when she moved, all eyes were drawn to a pair of breasts that were so captivating, Henry had even seen Xalteans stop to watch this masterpiece of beauty. And that masterpiece was coming right for him.

“Yes, Minda?” Henry asked desperately trying to keep eye contact.

“I spoke with Nizzie and she said I needed to come back, she was almost finished with clearing the brush from the trail to the lake.”

Nizzie, the blond haired maid with pigtails was slacking off again but at the moment, Henry could not think about anything more than not leering. His heartbeat in his chest as she stepped a bit closer since Minda wanted to whisper conspiratorially.

“I think she’s got some wine hidden around there.”

They...she was so close.


Minda’s face went pale; she quickly stepped back and folded her hands in front of her bowing her head. Sweeping up beside him, in her blue skirt and top was his second in command.


“Do not enter your master’s space so freely,” Maevin said, her voice like ice. “Especially in your state of dress. You are aware of our master’s heritage, and you will not insult him by flaunting yourself in front of him. Cover them or I shall have them whipped.”

Henry remained silent knowing full well that if he opened his mouth, he would undermine her authority.

“See if Utena needs any help with polishing the marble,” Henry said gently giving the girl a way out.

The woman gave him a quick bow and retreated in almost a run towards the temple. Henry looked at Maevin and she was pinching the bridge of her nose.

“You okay?” Henry asked.

“Minda is...a bit much,” Maevin sighed looking over to him. “I have spent all this time trying to get you to adjust to our culture and then she shows up and even distracts our own people.”

Maevin sighed again as she watched Minda begin rocking on her heels while talking to a maid, oblivious that the dark-haired maid was not looking at her face but appeared to be hypnotized. “I find myself a bit jealous at times.”

“You shouldn’t!” Henry said quickly trying to keep his mistress from being hard on herself. “Your breasts are wonderful too!”

And that was when he choked. What did he just say? He did not just say that to the woman beside him. Maevin’s face was shocked for a moment and then a big smile crossed her face; the woman’s eyes sparkled mischievously.

“My master,” she said. “That is the first time you have complimented my body. I’m breathless.”

“I...uh...I didn’t mean to say...what I mean to say that you are very beautiful and perfect the way you are and—-”

“—-you think my breasts are wonderful.”

Henry groaned, his face exploding in color. It was his turn to pinch the bridge of his nose and wince.

“Anything else you’d like to tell me?” Maevin pressed with mirth in her voice.

“Your legs are really nice too,” Henry muttered.

Maevin giggled. The first time to hear it outside the privacy of his office. She turned to see Tox, their chief of security walking down the path from the estate.

“I shall not press you about what else you enjoy about me.”


“For now.”

Oh, this was going to be a rough few days.

“What is it?” Maevin asked, her official tone coming back. The dark skinned man bowed to both of them before speaking. His eyes roamed around checking everything like the security guard he was.

“Lord Henry has a guest.”

“There is no one on the list for today,” Maevin said, her voice becoming harder. “Who thinks they can just walk in without his or my approval?”

“They are Terran and they carry a Writ of Service from House Ukesa,” Tox responded. “I do not have the authority to refuse her.”

Maevin’s face was more puzzled than furious. “Please make them comfortable in the lounge. Tell them the Lord of the Estate will be there momentarily.”

Tox bowed again from the waist, turned to leave and stopped. His eyes were out near the temple and a big grin crossed his face. Maevin and Henry looked out and saw that Minda was now trying to jump up and grab a branch from one of the tiles of the temple.

“Amazing view today,” Tox commented.

“Yes. We know,” Maevin responded flatly.

As they walked back down the path, Henry was full of questions while Maevin was reading the information logged on the visitor.

“House Ukesa? That’s not on the registry of the Gray Council,” Henry started and Maevin nodded.

“House Ukesa is our religious caste. They practice and teach our religion, and they are responsible for making sure all temples and holy sites are taken care of. The House has a charter put in place over a thousand years ago by the imperial family and they have a right on any planet in the empire, regardless of house. It just needs to have holy site on it.”

“And this write of service?”

“House Ukesa can issue what is called a writ of service, usually to acolytes who are not yet members of the house or faithful members of opposing houses that want to visit a site under control of a hostile house. This is the first time I have heard of a Terran receiving one.” She waved the tablet in confusion. “I do not know what a Voltary is.”

Henry felt a jolt of anxiety at that word. The young man never went into detail about his upbringing but he knew what that was.

“I do.”

Maevin looked at him as they made a corner. “Is it an Earth Alliance thing?”

“Earth Alliance? Why do you say that?”

“Your Terran Confederacy, the paperwork that our master High Baron Avernell gave to me stated you were a citizen of the Earth Alliance, are you not?”

The Terran Confederacy was made up of four sovereign governments that were bound together by the Treaty of the Stars. It appeared that Avernell had either not known, or he fudged the fact for his ease in transition.

“No. I am a citizen of the Holy Innocentia.”

Maevin startled at that. He had never seen her that caught off guard.



“And the Voltary?”

“Female clergy of Celestianity.”

Maevin was silent. He had never seen the look on her face before. There was a mixture of surprise and trepidation.


She remained silent as they climbed up the steps to the large patio to head to the sliding glass door.


Henry gently grabbed her arm and stopped her. He gulped as she looked down at his hand around her forearm and back up to him, her eyes unreadable.

“We...we have offended you.”

“No!” Henry said vehemently. “You nor anyone here has offended me. You all have been wonderful to me and I would never think badly of you.”

“You are Innocentia. We did not take into consideration your beliefs and committed the highest of disrespect. Your people are the absolute opposite of us and do not like us.”

Henry felt like he was losing her. She was withdrawing into the shell from when they first met, the sheen of civility that he had only begun to crack. He had to do something to stop this. He knew that the Xalteans had an extreme distrust and issue with the Innocentia as they were polar opposite. He did not want to lose his friend now. The young Terran grasped at the first thing he did.

“Mistress Maer,” Henry said trying to sound official. “Are you doubting my word?”

She blinked at him, confusion filling her face. He turned her to face him fully. “You are my mistress of my estate, and you will act like it and not shut me out because of your preconceived opinions.”

“Lord Henry—”

“Or do I need to take you to my office to be disciplined for your behavior towards me.”

That woke her up. The trance that Maevin had been in broke. She blinked and the warmth came back to her voice.

“Did you just threaten to discipline me?” Maevin asked, her eyes sparkling again.

“I...uh...yes, I did,” He responded trying to maintain the authority he had. It just evaporated in front of her.

“I see. I assume you wish to bend me over your knee?” She said, her grin growing bigger. “I believe my legs are not the only thing you admire. You don’t have to come up with such a pretense if you wish me to show you.”

“Maevin!” Henry said blushing, giving up his air of authority. Henry let her go. “Please. I need you to keep me going. I can’t do this without you.”

That smile was genuine.

Tox met them in the grand hallway and informed them that the Voltary had insisted on waiting in Henry’s office which Tox made it clear he did not feel comfortable to argue with. Maevin smoothed her dress a few times before Henry stopped her.

“You’re fine,” he said with a smile.

“I wish to give your people a good impression,” Maevin added. “I do not want to make your return in the future to be difficult.”

Henry took a moment to pause, smooth down his clothes again and then push the door open trying to look as business like as he could. He only took three steps in before he froze, his blue eyes locking on a pair just like his. The woman sat there on the couch, hands folded in her lap. She wore the official garments of her position, the black skirt the fell all the way to the floor but slits on both sides so that her legs could move freely. Those legs were covered with gray leggings. The material was form fitting up her waist and a simple white segment covered her chest where the aquamarine necklace bearing the symbol of the Holy Innocentia lay catching the light from the sun. Her brown hair flowed down her back followed by the black habit trimmed in white.

“Divine Priestess, your light illuminates my path.” Henry said switching to English not realizing he had been holding a decent conversation with Maevin in Xaltean.

“Gentle soul. You honor me with your words,” she intoned standing and allowing the folds of her skirt to cascade to the floor.

Henry had repeated these lines enough in church and when encountering the clergy of Celestianity. His nation was quite religious being classified as a theocracy so it was quite common to have belief mixed in every day life.

“I am glad to see that you are well, Henry, “ her quiet voice said demure but he could see the confidence in her eyes.

“Thank you, Voltary,” Henry said with a slight bow. Maevin, once entering the room, had gone the opposite way near Siv’s desk and waited out of the way.

“Please, Henry, don’t treat me like this.” She said with a soft laugh.

“I wasn’t expecting you, Modesty,” the young man responded. “You know what mother would say if I forgot my manners.”

“My master,” Maevin spoke up in lightly accented English. “Do you wish me to prepare tea for your honored guest?”

“Yes, Maevin, please,” Henry said giving his Mistress a comforting smile. Rarely has he seen her unsure of herself. “You know my preference and please prepare a simple tea with no sweetener.”

Henry turned back to his guest. “Unless you have made your golden bands?”

“I have but still prefer no sweeteners,” the woman responded, the gentle smile not leaving her face.

“As my master wishes,” The mistress said with a bow.

As soon as she left, Henry noticed the drop in her shoulders as she relaxed.

“She’s beautiful.”

“Modesty,” Henry started but she waved her hand.

“I’m not here to offer penance, Henry, unless you ask. I wanted to see how you were hanging among these…people.”

Henry heard hesitation in her voice, and he felt the rile of anger he felt the last time someone insulted his people.

“They are good people who have worked hard and I am lucky to have earned their trust.”

There was talking outside his patio window as three maids, one man and two women walked by discussing a harvesting technique they wanted to try. All three were topless with two have their tvekel skirts wrapped around their waist while the other girl was completely naked.

“You appear to have quite an interesting view,” Modesty said flatly watching them go.

The door opened and Maevin came in followed by Abiva, her short black hair and intensely curious eyes. The Arch Maid set the tea tray down, bowed with hands folded in front of her ad exited while Meavin expertly set out the cups and poured it over the dry leaves in side. The rich bouquet filled the room.

“Don’t start with me,” Henry said with a sigh. “Mom has already been giving me a hard time.”

The only sign that Maevin had startled was the slight tremor in her hand as she poured the tea. Modesty smiled up at the Mistress. “Henry, would you introduce me?”

“Oh. Yeah,” Henry said realizing he hadn’t done that. He turned to Maevin. “Voltary, this is my Mistress, Maevin Maer of Blue Blossom Estate.”

“It is nice to meet you, “the priestess responded.

“Maevin, this is Modesty Patton. My twin sister.”

“Sister?” Maevin said with surprise barely hidden in her voice.

“That is correct,” Modesty continued. “May I have some time with my brother?”

The Mistress of the estate looked towards her master who nodded to her with a smile to make sure she knew everything was okay. When they were alone, the official façade of her position vanished and Modesty leaned back with her teacup and slowly swirled it.

“Have you truly been well, Henry?” she asked without looking up. Henry also leaned back and folded his arms across his chest trying to keep his calm. The young man had suspected something like this.

“I am fine. Mom and dad should have told you that. You don’t need to worry about me.”

“She has told me as much though she is very concerned about the temptation that you face every day. You know how she feels about it.”

“What do you mean?” Henry asked, taking a sip though he was confident of what it was.

“Take heed, for temptation cometh as a serpent in silk, slithering with whispers sweet and beguiling. It allureth thine heart with honeyed words, and weaveth snares unseen to ensnare the unwary. Therefore, be vigilant, and guard thy spirit with the armor of wisdom, lest thou be taken unawares and led astray from the path of righteousness,” Modesty responded.

Canticle of Wisdom chapter one verse twelve of the book of Harmonium, the holy book of his people. Henry knew a lot of those by heart thanks to the strict religious education he grew up with. He was not going to be outdone by his sister though.

“Judge not, I beseech thee, those who walk a path unlike thine own, for thou knowest not the burdens they bear, nor the trials they have endured. Seek first to understand with a heart full of grace and a spirit of humility, that ye may find wisdom in the differences and discern the common light that dwelleth in all. For in the eyes of the divine, every soul hath its worth, and understanding is the seed of harmony,” Henry responded.

The smile that crossed his sister’s face was a mix of impressed and cunning.

“Encouragements 10:10. You remember.”

“Dad drilled that one in my head enough times.”

“Then how about. And it is decreed, that one soul shall cleave unto another in sacred union, and thus shall they be bound, one to one, in the sight of the divine. Keep thyself pure and unblemished before this covenant, for such is the way ordained by the Creator. Let not thy heart be swayed nor thy body be defiled, but honor the sacred bond that bringeth forth harmony and blesseth the union of souls.’ Do you remember that one?”

“Concord 12:1. Mom’s favorite.” Henry leaned forward to make eye contact with his sister. “Stop beating around the bush, Modesty.”

“I am concerned for your purity and resolve in returning and marrying Bethany Müller. Our father and Shepherd Khan worked hard for this betrothal. The Müller family is very high ranked among the families being the descendent of an original founding family.”

“I’m not having sex with the women here,” Henry shot back, the anger slipping in his voice. “And I’m tired of everyone thinking I don’t have any self-control.”

“Do you?”

Whatever happiness he had for seeing his sister evaporated as her usual behavior crashed into his emotions. Modesty Patton had always been extremely religious even among his own family and though he knew she did not mean it as an accusation, he took it as that. Henry also did not need to be reminded that a rich girl among his people had taken an interest in a farmer boy. He felt himself lucky for that.

“I don’t appreciate the accusation, Voltary,” Henry warned. A swell of pride filling him. At this moment, in front of his sister, he could feel how much he had grown under the tutelage of his Mistress. He had always felt inferior around Modesty for how much people adored her knowledge and piety. “Furthermore, I do not need you or anyone else trying to tell me what I need to do. I am an adult; I am a recognized lord of an estate under House Avernell and I command an entire sector for her grace the Empress of Xaltea. Don’t you dare suggest I cannot control myself.”

How much he had changed was obvious on the face of his sister who was unable to show her surprise from how much he had changed. She blinked multiple times before trying to speak again.

“Henry, I wasn’t trying to demean you. I just wanted to advise you, so you don’t get lost among these people.”

“I am managing quite well on my own. I appreciate the concern but it’s not needed.”

There was a tone of dismissal in his voice that Modesty had picked up on. She set down her tea and gave him a smile though he could see something in her eyes. A concern that he hadn’t seen before.

“Then I shall take my leave. I must return to my convent before the White Roses. I am glad to see you again, Henry.”

The two stood and they walked to the door. He opened it and found across the room Maevin and two maids were waiting. They expertly came forward.

“I’m going to go with my sister to the port to see her off.” Henry said. “Can you prepare a vehicle to take us to Bellentine?”

“Yes, my master!” one maid said with a quick bow and hurried off.

“Let me grab my compu-pad,” Henry said stepping away. He hurried to his desk and made his way back. It was the murmur on the other side of the half-opened door that made him slow.

“I know what you’re trying to do,” Modesty’s voice said accusatory.

“You’ll need to clarify, Voltary,” Maevin’s voice came back cool though he knew her long enough to know she was attempting to maintain her temper.

“Trying to seduce him and get him to slip from the hallowed path.”

“A bold accusation.”

“I’ve been here long enough to see that this building is staffed with ninety percent women all in different states of undress. My brother is a good kid and doesn’t need you all try to seduce him. He has a fiancé at home.”

“Be careful with your assumption,” Maevin warned. Henry could feel the charge in the air and wanted to jump in and break them up but something kept him rooted at the other side of the door eavesdropping. “Henry Patton is an honorable man who has never taken advantage of any companionship that was freely offered and rejected by him. He has the loyalty of this estate and the admiration of the cities under our jurisdiction. You fail to give him the credit of strength that he has earned.”

Henry blushed at this.

“Furthermore, do not think I am a stupid woman. You pretend to be here to check in on your brother but I know that you are here on the behest of the Shepherds Council.” “What are you saying?” Modesty demanded but there was a tremor of unease in her voice.

“No voltary like you could ever convince House Ukesa to give a foreigner a Writ of Service unless she was backed by her organization. I have friends among our priest class. I can easily verify that you are here under diplomatic protections.”

The Shepherds had sent someone to check up on him? The ramifications of something like that hit hard. In a way, he could understand. He was not only the first human to be in charge of an estate, but he was also of the Innocentia so his actions would reflect on them.

“Fine,” Modesty huffed. “He is still my brother though. I will check on him when I see fit.”

“But the next time you come, I expect you to follow proper political channels, or I will inform our Master High Baron Hesh Avernell that you and your Innocentia caused a diplomatic incident. I sincerely believe that the Terran Confederacy wouldn't want to put our government’s tenuous relationship at risk.”

There was silence. No retort, no smart remark. In a few sentences, Maevin had cut her down to size. His mistress was terrifying.

“Ready?” Henry said coming through the door after putting a smile on his face. He did not know want to give away that he had been listening.

Modesty did not respond but refused to make eye contact. Maevin gave him her official nod and motioned down the hall.

“The vehicle will be waiting.”

When the shuttle bearing his sister lifted off and climbed into the sky towards the waiting ship above, Henry turned to Maevin.

“I apologize for my sister. My people are very religious as you know.”

“I actually should be the one apologizing,” Maevin responded. They made their way through the space port back to their vehicle.


“I know you were listening to our conversation,” Maevin said matter-a-fact. “I should have never spoken to your family in such a tone.”

“You made a good point. I didn’t even see the political angle on this. Still learning.”

“Still,” The mistress of Blue Blossoms said climbing up into the vehicle followed by Henry. They both sat across each other as the hatch was sealed. “I have a temper and my words were inappropriate.”

Maevin leaned forward, the smile that she reserved just for him when they were alone. “I may need to be disciplined for my actions. Would you like to do it now?”

Henry flushed.

© 2018 – 2025 by Jonathan Snyder

“No, no,” Yil laughed as the two other maids in the room tittered in amusement. Even Siv, who was at her desk in the corner, had a smile grace her pretty face briefly as she worked. Henry Patton had just attempted to pronounce a phrase that they were working on in Xaltean and the girls present could not hold in their laughter.

Yil was a beautiful woman with straw blond hair who had become his secret heshut…though he still did not quite understand the meaning of that word and now he was too scared to ask.

“What…what did I do?” Henry asked nervously though he knew they did not mean anything by it. The two girls in the room outside of Yil and Siv did not speak English so whatever he had done got them to break decorum and giggle. “The phrase for ‘You are a proud woman, and I will follow’ is smekihan ki vae atagugen mi ki. The word for woman, kihan, should have the emotional prefix sme not khe. You said khekihan.”

“And that’s different?” Henry asked.

Yil tried her best to keep her face straight and calm, but the mirth just kept bubbling over. “What you said was, ‘You are a slutty woman, and I’ll follow you to bed.’”.

Henry pinched the bridge of his nose. Of course he said that.

“The correct emotional prefix is important,” Yil lectured gently. “I know the introduction of emotional prefixes on top of tense prefixes we learned but we use them quite often in oratory. Something a Lord of your stature should know if you plan to speak without a translator. The sme is the emotion of pride. Khe is the emotion of lewdness.”

“But…doesn’t khekihanma mean mistress?” Henry asked confused. “I don’t want to be calling Maevin a slut if that’s the meaning of the word.”

“Khekinanma is mistress but in a sexual sense. A khekihanma within the estate system is usually the woman put in charge of the concubines or khekihanxa. The word you are looking for is xikihanma to refer to our mistress of Blue Blossom.”

“But…xi is a second person pronoun,” Henry said confused.

“Xi is also a preposition for hard.”


“Context and repetition,” Yil said with a gentle pat on his hand. “Aetaaekume ki shinda kit.”

Henry knew that phrase. She had said he would understand one day and then his title of Lord of the Green.

“You used aeta tense for far future instead of ata for near future,” Henry teased. “You think I’m that hopeless?”

Yil giggled again but did not answer.

Out of the corner of his eye, Henry saw Siv gently brush the earring clipped to her ear moving her long hair and it gently pulsed. He knew that those were the communication devices that a lot of the higher-ranking servants wore to keep in contact with each other and the Mistress. They were also designed to be unobtrusive. The left arm gauntlet he wore had one built into the rich leather.

What got Henry’s attention was the emotion that crossed her face. It had gone to shock and then fear. Siv stood and immediately moved towards the door. “Everyone out. Now.” She ordered. The tone in her voice hard but trembling. None of the servants disobeyed her. They immediately grabbed their items and fled the room.

“Siv, what’s going on?” Henry said standing, eyes wide with concern.

“My worst nightmare,” she responded though he was confident that was not to him. The woman’s eyes darted around as if she was thinking or looking for something and then her jaw became firm.

“My lord. We have a visitor. One that I cannot stop from seeing you,” she said quickly turning on him and a bow of her head.

“Your mistress while Maevin is at Quasel City with Dark Cliff Estate,” The young man said trying to understand what was going on.

“I don’t have time to explain,” the woman responded with sorrow in her voice. “I accept any punishment for leaving you unprepared.”

“Siv…” he started but the ornate wood door opened majestically, and a figure strode in. Henry’s eyes grew wide at the woman who walked in confidently. The terran man was used to the state of undress that many Xalteans exhibited but this was different. The woman had on a red robe that wrapped around her and barely clung to her body, a long loin cloth wrapped around her waist and reaching the ground. Only one breast was covered while the other was presented for all to see. The dark blue ink of a swirling tattoo starting at her nipple and then spread out like a branch much like the tattoos he had seen some of his own servants wearing. Henry had seen nudity but with the darker eyeliner and red lips, she bore a strong sexuality that he had not encountered.

“My lord!” she said in the silkiest Xaltean voice he had heard. She was speaking English which added to the exoticism of her presence. “Thank you so much for taking the time to see me.”

“You’re…welcome?” Henry said glancing over to Siv. His interim Mistress had folded her hands in front of her and had lowered her head taking on a submissive pose.

“I am Sovereigness Niskili Baesha. Your servant did not announce me?”

There was something friendly but accusatory in her voice. Henry’s eyes narrowed as he heard the tone of disdain. Nobody insulted his people. “Your arrival was unplanned,” he said trying to sound official. He motioned to the sofa chair in front of his desk as he sat down. “You’ll have to forgive me for not being ready.”

Those violet eyes bore into him, studying his reaction as she made herself comfortable.

“Siv, would you please call for tea?” he asked, trying to remember everything Maevin had taught him and the few conversations with the specialists on the subject. He had dived headfirst into learning proper protocol after what had happened at the tekiasetel. “Could you also please ask Maela to come?”

“Your Emissary maid is not needed,” Niskili cut him off with a wave. “I am not surprised that Maevin has not briefed you on who I am and the order I represent. As a Terran, she had assumed she was protecting your sensibilities.”

“My sensibilities?”

“Of course,” she said with a smile that felt predatory. “There are facets of our culture that she still hides from you. I have requested a meeting with you, my lord, for a few months now. Your Mistress has refused.”

“Then you know she’s not here and Siv stands in her place?” Henry asked realizing how things had been set up.

“Siv is your mistress at the moment?” the woman said with a brief raising of eyebrow as she glanced over to the woman. “How…amusing.”

Niskili settled back into the chair more; crossing her leg wide enough that Henry knew she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. He refused to allow her to get the better of him. The young Terran felt that somehow his estate was on trial. “I would not be the Sovereigness if I did not keep tabs on things like this, especially when it is someone so unique as you that I wanted to meet.”

Maevin had been keeping this person from him? What was he getting into? Henry glanced towards Siv who met his eyes and the panic was still there.

“Allow me to explain,” Niskili said. “I am from the Scarlet Order of House Aldinav.” Scarlet Order. That was not something the Lord of the Blue Blossom Estate had heard before. Based on her expression, he was confident she knew that.

“I do not recognize your order. I apologize.” Was that official and polite enough? “It is not a problem. In short, I am in charge of the training and the assignment of concubines and heshut to those I deem worthy within the empire, of course, paying deference to any command of our Empress and House Vaesh.”

Concubines. That was a word he knew. Everything came into focus. The aura, the look, the eyes. Henry knew sex was not a taboo subject among the Xalteans but he should have realized that there would be organizations like hers.


“That is a synonym, not my favorite, but yes. We provide more than just sexual services though. My concubines and courtesans are trained in quite a few arts that are prized across the Empire. You should have encountered my courtesans at your tekiasetel? We were asked to provide the Hour of Candles for House Nevakev.”

Oh. That. The smile on her face broadened a bit more. “But you avoided that, didn’t you?”

“I feel that you already know the answer,” Henry grumbled.

She leaned forward just slightly with a grin that he could only think as being predatory. “But of course. I was hoping to lure you with one of my beauties, but you appear to be more…reserved than I anticipated for a human.”

“It sounds like you have been using stereotypes for my people. Something I have been guilty of myself,” Henry offered diplomatically.

“Siv, go get us some tea like a good girl? Let the adults talk.” Niskili said abruptly towards the quiet girl who had grown pale.

There was something in the tone, an emotion that made his heart grow cold and anger well up inside him. He did not know how, but Henry knew that this woman was insulting his friend.

“Sovereigness,” Henry said forcing his voice to become hard as steel. “While in my estate, you will respect my servants for the position and titles they hold. Am I clear?”

“Lord Henry,” Niskili started with a smile that felt dangerous. “I did not mean any sort of—”

“Am I clear, Sovereigness? Or will I need my Chief of Security to escort you to your shuttle?”

Siv blanched at that and Niskili seemed genuinely surprised at his words. She leaned back and lowered her head with deference. “I understand, my lord.” Henry let out the breath he was holding and turned to Siv. “Mistress Siv. If you would be so kind as to see if Burdak has any maids to spare for some tea?”

“Ye…yes, my master,” She choked out. She looked between the two rapidly. Henry knew she didn’t want to abandon him.

“It’s quite alright,” Henry said with a smile. “I do not want to take up too much of her grace’s time.”

“Of…of course, my master.”

Siv hurried away and the door closed shut behind them.

Whatever politeness Niskili was showing melted away as she steepled her hands in front of her face and that dangerous smile came back.

“What?” Henry asked.

“It has been quite a long time since anyone was brave enough to chastise me, especially in front of the servants. I may have severely underestimated you.” Henry slowly stood as he adjusted a few things on his desk and then folded his hands. He was not going to be caught behind his desk if she tried to attack him. “Those who work here mean a great deal to me,” Henry responded. “I would have said that to anyone who insulted my people.”

“Including the Empress?”

Henry hesitated for a moment and then nodded firmly. “Even to her. Though I would have worded it differently.”

The Sovereigness of the Scarlet Order burst out laughing, a smoky sound that filled the room.

“Oh, you are something, Lord Henry.”

“What has brought you here?”

“Ah. To the point. Let us begin.”


It was about two hours of Niskili slowly explaining the history and importance of House Aldinav, including how it was an unregistered house that did not fall under any of the Gray Council. Niskili explained how high-ranking people who could not risk issues with the blood line would request concubines and how they would also be great intelligence gatherers of the social circles. Even how they were considered a sign of stature to be given someone trained by them. “Are you familiar with the Angels?” she asked as she sipped her tea.

“The elite bodyguards from House Gijol?” Henry confirmed.

“Yes. You know how they are given as presents from the Imperial Family and sworn to the lord and not to the estate?”

He nodded. “Maevin went over that with me.”

“Well, my concubines are the same way. When one is given to you, they are sworn to you and not to the estate. Their allegiance is to their master, not to the Empire.” Niskili finished.

“And that’s why you want to do this?” Henry asked holding up the thin computer pad she had given him earlier.

“Well, it’ll be good for you in one way and—”

The conversation did not go any further when the oak doors exploded open and a figure marched in. The dark cascading hair, the piercing blue eyes, and the crown immediately made Henry realized that his Mistress had returned. He had also never seen such fury and hatred in her eyes before.

“Ah. Maevin!” Niskili said standing and setting down the tea. “I did not expect you back for two more days. I’m surprised you knew to come back.”

Siv walked in behind her and Niskili made eye contact. “Oh. So that’s how you knew.”

“Don’t you dare even try to speak to me this way, Sovereigness,” Maevin spat with abject fury. “You were expressly forbidden to enter Blue Blossom Estate, and you know damn well that my word outweighs any sort of power you have! Our High Baron will hear of this.”

Niskili looked at Henry. “You will allow your Mistress to speak like this?” “Do I need to call my Chief of Security?” Henry shot back.

Niskili sighed and held up her hands in surrender. “Fine. Yes, Mistress. I directly disobeyed your orders specifically to help your master achieve more here in the Empire.”

“What did you do?” Maevin demanded.

Henry held up a pad. “She has asked me to take two concubines to the Blue Blossom Estate.”

“Two?!” Maevin said shocked. She spun back to Niskili. “What are you planning?” Niskili looked to Siv and Maevin saw the movement.

“I’ll take my leave, mistress,” the woman said before quickly fleeing the room. “They are the twin son and daughter of Duchess Sakeza of House Vanen and High Baron Makel of House Kolisai.”

Maevin immediately froze, the anger in her face fading immediately to a mixture of concern and curiosity.

“You’re joking,” Maevin responded.

“I wish I was. I was just explaining to your master that the existence of these children, though legal, poses a succession problem for Kolisai due to the son being older than the heir from his wife. You know how unstable the relationship is with Kolisai. No one knew the parentage until recently. Tavik now does.”


“I don’t know but Kolisai has multiple trade agreements with House Irisik and we know Irisik and House Tavik are extremely close.”

Henry decided it was time to speak up. “She wants to hide them here. Since House Patton-Avernell is semi-registered, it would be difficult to come for them since all eyes are on us for this experiment.”

“And you accepted?” Maevin asked, her eyes narrowing.

“I have not.”

“But I believe he plans too.” Niskili added.

“My master,” Maevin started but he raised his hand for her to stop. He made sure to give her a kind smile to know he wasn’t angry at her.

“Sovereigness Baesha, I’ll accept the two charges—”


“I’m not finished. I’ll accept the two charges, but they were be registered to the as Estate Maids under Arch Maid Abiva.” Henry finished.

A look of surprise covered Maevin’s while Niskili’s darkened.

“Estate maids? These two are highly trained concubines who deserve the privilege and rights they earned.”

“They will be respected for their training,” Henry continued sitting down at his desk and getting out his digital seal. “But they will not be registered as concubines with my estate.”

“And why is that?” Niskili asked crossing her arms.

“For one, registering them as concubines advertises exactly where they are located and we literally have Black Forge, a House Irisik estate, seventy miles to the east of Belentine and two, I’m not letting you use my status for your own benefit.”

Niskili canted her head to the side and tried to keep the serious expression though a smirk tugged at the corner of her mouth.

“And whatever do you mean?”

“Do you think I don’t know what it would do for your reputation if you could get a human lord of an experiment house to accept two concubines? Especially with what happened at the tekiasetel. You haven’t earned my respect for such a thing.” Now it was Maevin’s turn to blanch at his words, but he stuck to it. He held out the tablet. “So, the two will be registered as maids, I will protect them until such time as they need to return to you and in the future, when I feel we have reached a good balance, I shall request your advice on a concubine. Or you can take this pad and return to your house.”

Silence reigned between the two and it finally broke with Niskili sighing and give a little laugh. She gave Maevin a pat on the arm. “Excellent job teaching him, Maevin, my dear. Masterful for such a talent like you.”

“Thank you,” Maevin responded coldly.

“I shall accept your terms,” Niskili added and she nodded at the tablet. “My signature is already there. The two are in my shuttle. If you sign, I shall have them moved immediately to your Arch Maid’s care.”


Everyone had left Henry alone after that and it was evening when Siv opened the door and leaned into see him.

“Siv,” Henry said with a smile looking up from the last of the paperwork he was doing.

“The mistress sent me to see if you need anything before we start your evening routine.”

“No, I’m good but can you speak with me for a minute?”

There had been something bothering him from the few remarks and attitude Niskili had. Henry had never gotten the chance to ask as the Sovereigness had left immediately afterwards.

“Of course.”

Siv came in and gently closed the door behind her.

“I wanted to ask you about the way the Sovereigness treated you. I feel like she knew you?”

The woman smiled embarrassed, her face flushing.

“If it’s none of my business…” Henry started.

“It is. It’s just a part of my life I thought was going to stay gone. Niskili knows me as I was one of her courtesans once.”

Oh. That explained a lot that Henry did not know he needed explained. How out of all the maids, she was the most comfortable being herself, wearing nothing when she wanted and even caused a few of the maids to blush with her innuendo when she thought he wasn’t listening or understood the words.

“Oh. You were? Did you retire?”

“I failed,” She admitted with a shrug though he could see it still stung. “I failed the last test, and it was pretty humiliating. High Baroness Ilesh had a few choice words for the Sovereigness. I wound up getting the Altar, a good caning, and banished from the Order.”


Henry knew caning was a thin rod against the buttocks, an old punishment that was removed from the Imperial Contract code except when added as a clause to the bonding. The Altar was the highest punishment. It was meant as a humiliation above all. It consisted of the individual having their neck and arms chained to the ground with their head close and their ankles chained in such a way that they were forced to raise their lower body up and put on display. They were also unclothed. Maevin had explained that being exposed in such a vulnerable position, with their most intimate places on display to face the cold, the heat, the weather and the ridicule, was worse than anything else that could be inflicted. Maevin had told him that she would have rather been chained to the pillar and caned than go through that.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to drudge up old memories.”

“It’s okay,” she said with a smile. “You have been sweet to me, my master, and it has made up for the treatment I received. I appreciate you defending me when she insulted me and my position…though it scared me. She has a lot of power even if her house is not registered.”

“No one mistreats my friends,” Henry said with finality.

“I am honored to be considered in such high esteem,” Siv said with a low curtsey. “May I go and prepare your evening snack?”

Henry smiled at her switching back into her role.

“Of course, Maid Siv. Thank you.”

© 2018 – 2025 by Jonathan Snyder


This paper explores the biology and speculative evolutionary origins of a parasitic creature known across various species as Gorgons (Terrans), Xnesunak (Xalteans), and Arrakkul (Drull). These parasites exhibit unique biological characteristics, including their centipede-like appearance, their method of attachment to the host's brain stem, and their integration into the host's nervous system. This study compiles current knowledge, analyzes their physiological effects on hosts, and presents hypotheses regarding their evolution and origin based on known biological standards.


Parasitic organisms are prevalent across many ecosystems, often evolving complex relationships with their hosts. The Gorgons, as referred to by Terrans, present an extraordinary example of parasitism due to their ability to attach to the brain stem and infest the nervous system. These creatures, resembling foot-long centipedes, demonstrate varying levels of sentience and intelligence. Despite their pervasive presence, their origin remains shrouded in mystery. This paper aims to consolidate existing knowledge and provide a foundation for understanding their possible evolutionary pathways.

Biological Characteristics

Physical Description

Gorgons are parasitic creatures that measure approximately one foot in length and resemble terrestrial centipedes in morphology (N'Kara 92). Their segmented bodies are equipped with numerous legs, each adapted for gripping and burrowing into the host's flesh. The anterior segment features specialized appendages designed for attaching to the brain stem of the host (Arcona 58).

Method of Infestation

Upon encountering a potential host, the Gorgon attaches itself to the base of the skull, infiltrating the brain stem. From this anchor point, the parasite extends tendrils along the spinal column and throughout the nervous system, integrating itself deeply into the host's neural network. This integration allows the Gorgon to exert significant influence over the host's motor functions and, in some cases, cognitive processes (Galactic Medical Journal 53).

Infestation is also known to trigger biological and physiological changes, though it is unknown if this is a byproduct of the intrusion of the parasite or a conscious change as part of their social structures (Arcona 66).

Dietary Requirements

One notable characteristic of the Gorgon is its requirement for calcium, which it metabolizes from the host's body. This demand for calcium often leads to severe depletion in the host, manifesting in weakened bones and other calcium-related deficiencies unless supplemented externally (Zarnov 115).

This, in turn, means that many Gorgons predate on other species high in calcium, including humanoid species.

Sentience and Intelligence

The Gorgons exhibit a range of sentience, from basic survival instincts to highly sophisticated intelligence. Highly integrated parasites can mimic and assume a humanoid appearance, closely resembling their hosts. These advanced parasites demonstrate a blend of their own memories and personality traits with those of their host, suggesting a form of genetic memory that enables them to access and integrate the host's knowledge and experiences (Jax 207).

Known Nomenclature

The Gorgons are known by various names across different species:

  • Terrans: Gorgons
  • Xalteans: Xnesunak
  • Drull: Arrakkul

Evolutionary Speculations

Genetic Memory and Evolution

The presence of genetic memory in Gorgons indicates an advanced evolutionary adaptation. This trait suggests that Gorgons have evolved mechanisms to store and transmit information across generations, allowing them to rapidly adapt to new hosts and environments. This ability could be the result of a long evolutionary process involving symbiotic relationships with various host species (Jax 213).

Hypotheses on Origin

  1. Planetary Evolution: One hypothesis posits that Gorgons evolved on a planet with high levels of predation and competition, driving them to develop advanced parasitic strategies to survive. The centipede-like morphology and calcium consumption may have been adaptations to environments with scarce resources (N'Kara 96).

  2. Cross-Species Evolution: Another possibility is that Gorgons co-evolved with multiple host species across different planets. Their ability to integrate with diverse neural structures and mimic hosts suggests a long history of interspecies interaction and adaptation (Arcona 66).

  3. Engineered Origins: Some scientists speculate that Gorgons may be the result of bioengineering by an ancient, technologically advanced civilization. This theory is supported by their sophisticated genetic memory and ability to assume humanoid forms, which could be indicative of deliberate design for infiltration and control (Veld and Ray 162).

Comparative Analysis

Comparing Gorgons to known parasitic organisms, such as terrestrial parasites that manipulate host behavior (e.g., Toxoplasma gondii in Terrans), provides insight into their potential evolutionary pathways. The Gorgons' advanced integration with host nervous systems and the manifestation of host-like appearances suggest a parallel evolutionary trajectory with these terrestrial examples, albeit on a more complex scale (Journal of Biological 212).


The Gorgon parasites represent a remarkable example of parasitic adaptation and integration, even considering the level of threat they pose against humanoid species. Their ability to influence host physiology and behavior, coupled with their requirement for calcium and presence of genetic memory, underscores the complexity of their biology. While their exact origin remains speculative, the hypotheses presented offer a framework for future research. Understanding these parasites not only enhances our knowledge of parasitic evolution but also informs potential strategies for managing their impact on host species.


  • “Quantitative Analysis of Exo-biological Parasites.” Journal of Biological, vol. 212, 2243.
  • “Interviews with Subject 7.”
  • “Neurointegration of Parasitic Entities in Multicellular Hosts.” Galactic Medical Journal, vol. 58, 2239, pp. 45-67.
  • Zarnov, Talia. “The Calcium Depletion Mechanism of Gorgon Parasites: Implications for Host Health.” ExoBiology Today, vol. 47, 2241, pp. 112-130.
  • Jax, Omar. “Genetic Memory and Adaptive Behavior in Xnesunak Parasites.” Interstellar Biology Review, vol. 39, 2242, pp. 201-219.
  • N’Kara, Leem. “Evolutionary Theories of the Arrakkul Parasites: A Comparative Analysis.” Journal of Extraterrestrial Evolution, vol. 25, 2240, pp. 88-104.
  • Veld, Marissa, and Korbin Ray. “Bioengineering Hypotheses: The Origins of Highly Intelligent Parasites.” Advanced Xenobiology, vol. 33, 2244, pp. 159-178.
  • Arcona, Zev. “Host-Parasite Dynamics: The Case of the Gorgons.” Trans-Galactic Parasitology Studies, vol. 12, 2243, pp. 55-73.

© 2018 – 2025 by Jonathan Snyder

One thing was for certain, Henry Patton knew that if he was not careful, he would never leave this planet. Having grown up in such a conservative household, Henry had never experienced people expressing themselves in the way that they wanted. If anything, Celestianity, the religion of the Innocentia Colonies and his upbringing, created quite a homogeneous culture. Xaltea was anything but that.

At that moment, Henry was sitting in his expansive estate office with an open laptop in front of him, halfway typing an email to his sister Bethany. She had been the most open to talk. His father was supportive but distant about it, and his mother was sure that all the women at his estate were trying to “steal away your innocence,” as she put it in the few calls to him.

The window was open behind him with the sound of the planetary birds singing. There was no air conditioning per se, as Xalteans preferred to live with nature rather than against it. There was a device in the windows that would condense the air and create a cool breeze, like some sort of futuristic air conditioner, but it was rarely turned on. Henry suspected it had been installed for him.

Innocence. Henry glanced up from his computer to look across the room towards the smaller desk alcove where Siv was working on her own paperwork. That desk was set up for the Mistress or Administrator of the estate to not only do their own work but to easily communicate with the Lord.

The young woman Siv was doing the work now. Maevin had explained to Henry that she was the second in command of the Estate and a Mistress in training, so she was only second to the mistress of the estate. He had been told that if he needed something and Maevin could not get to him, Siv could act upon it for him. She was as powerful as the beautiful brunette when not in the same room.

Siv was stunning, much like many of the women at Blue Blossom estate. He would have been lying if he hadn’t noticed. She had a gorgeous figure that was easy to deduce from the robe-like garment she wore. It was a long piece of soft cloth with a hole for her head that draped down her front and back. It was then cinched with a sash around her waist so that her arms were free and showed her bare hips. With only that fabric, there were a few times that Henry had been going about his day, and the garment had shifted to expose her butt or her breasts had escaped.

Henry was always polite to look away before she noticed him looking and allowed her to cover back up.
This place was wild. It always made Henry realize the amount of power that he had been given by High Baron Avernell. He could easily tell Siv to take her clothes off, and she would do it without hesitation.

The young human lord came back from his thinking and realized that he had locked eyes with Siv, who was looking at him with a bemused expression. It was only then that he noticed her left breast was out from her moving the bundle of invitations from the work pile to the done pile.

“I’m so sorry!” Henry said quickly, looking away.

“Nothing to apologize for,” Siv responded casually.

Henry tried to focus on the computer again and not think about the voluptuous skin that he had just been given a memory of. He tried to get a few more words out but did not get far when he heard her get out of the chair. He looked up to see her walking over to him with a smile on her face, almost as if she was trying to comfort him from panicking.

“Yes?” he asked.

“May I be completely inappropriate with my words, Master?” Siv asked, sitting down in the plush chair in front of his desk.

“Ummm… I don’t know what you mean, but okay?”

She laughed, her voice tinkling unlike Maevin’s, which had a deep, mellow sound to it.

“Master, you really need to get over your aversion to our bodies,” Siv said matter-of-factly. “You have been here for almost a quarter. The summer is almost here, and you still blush and run away if we are undressed.”

“Oh… uh…” he said, blushing. “I mean—”

“We understood the world you came from, but it’s just silly now.”

Henry blinked, not quite sure how to respond. Siv’s expressive eyes watched his face for his emotion, and all he could do was smile awkwardly.

“I… um… I understand what you are saying, but your… um… privates—”

“Belong to you,” she finished.

Henry jumped at that.

“No! I refuse to accept you as property. You’re living, thinking people and—”

Siv reached across and placed her hand gently on his to calm him down.

“That’s not what I meant. Eta mi jnixubik, if the mistress heard me talking to you like this, I would be sent to the altar without hesitation. But… I think I need to be direct. So, if I overstep my bounds, Master, I accept your punishment.”

Henry was not quite sure how to respond to that, but she was not looking for an answer.

“We have a word in our language. Aema. The closest English translation that I have found is ‘consent.’”

“Oh, like to give permission.”

“Yes!” Siv said, brightening. “But in Xaltea, it is so much more powerful and hallowed. Aema means to consent with body and soul. It is something we swear to when we are bonded or join a house. We swear this in front of an inquisitor who must judge if our oath is from the heart.”

“Oh. It’s like a pledge.”

“A very strong pledge. We pledged our minds, souls, and bodies to our house to serve within the confines of the laws of our people.”

Henry could feel the seriousness in her voice as she explained the concept to him, and he nodded. He understood what she meant. He had taken an oath when he had joined the Innocentia Milita at eighteen and served out his required two years.

“So, you should never feel ashamed when it comes to telling us what to do, to correct us, and to make us better individuals for the house. Okay?”

Henry nodded, and she laughed.

“It also means you should stop being so worried about embarrassing us. I understand humans love to cover up, but our lack of concern over covering ourselves tells you how much we trust you.”


Henry was still blushing, but he kept eye contact with Siv.

“Life is too short to not appreciate beauty. If you look up and see beauty, take the time to appreciate it. We will never complain about the loving gaze of our master.”

The war inside Henry was rough. He had been raised a certain way, but this woman who was risking her status was trying to teach him to appreciate the world he was in now.

“I understand. Thank you for taking the time to explain how I was offending you.”

“You weren’t—”

Henry stopped her, and it was her turn to blush.


“I apologize for lying to you, Master.”

“It’s fine. Let’s see if I can learn from what you taught me.”

Siv stood with a nod, paused, and gave him a smile. In a smooth motion, she removed her arms from her sleeves and pulled her top down around her waist. Henry startled at the visage in front of him.

“Then, my Master. What do you think?”

Henry steeled himself, the embarrassment still churning in his gut, but he took the time to appreciate the bare breasts that had been shown to him. He made sure to take a moment to appreciate their slope, their fullness, and their beauty.

“You are very beautiful, Siv.”

“Thanks, but what about them?”

Henry swallowed.

“They are very beautiful too.”

“What are?”

“Your breasts are very beautiful.”

Siv covered herself and gave a nod, as if she was pleased that the lesson had sunk in. She turned to go back to her desk and then stopped. She turned around to look at him a bit sheepishly.

“If I may beg for a bit more consideration… if you could not tell the mistress we had this conversation. She would be very displeased I did this.”

“Why? You were teaching me culture.”

Siv laughed, but he heard the embarrassment in her voice. “She has her own rules of decorum for you.”

“Your secret is safe with me.”

© 2018 – 2025 by Jonathan Snyder

New Cambridge Journal of Law (Volume 13 Issue 154) circa 2259


The legal framework of the Xaltean Empire presents a fascinating study for a Terran lawyer. Characterized by a dual-system approach, the Empire incorporates both the Inquisitorial and Arbitrator Systems, each catering to different sectors of Xaltean society. This paper aims to dissect these systems, offering insights into their operation, implications, and unique characteristics from a Terran legal perspective.

The Inquisitorial System


The Inquisitorial System is a unique judicial process predominantly serving the members within the House System of the Xaltean Empire. It is characterized by the central role of Inquisitors, who are trained and deployed by House Adaka. These Inquisitors are granted expansive authority, serving simultaneously as judges, appellate authorities, and in rare cases, executioners.

Operational Dynamics

The system's primary function is to administer justice and maintain discipline within the House System. In most scenarios, Inquisitors' jurisdiction is confined to the Houses, with only a minimal percentage of cases involving non-House members. The process is initiated when an Estate or House summons an Inquisitor, seeking an impartial adjudication. Notably, the Triad, which oversees the Inquisitors, is under no obligation to respond to these calls, except when involving the Imperial family.

The Role of the Inquisitor

Upon being summoned, an Inquisitor conducts a comprehensive process, which includes listening to the parties involved, investigating the matter, and ultimately rendering a judgment. This judgment is typically final, with appeals to the Triad being rarely successful.

Within this system, House members in good standing may seek the counsel of an Adjudicator. However, these Adjudicators, unlike their counterparts in the Arbitrator System, possess no legal authority to challenge an Inquisitor's decision. Their role is purely advisory.

Decree of the Forsaken

A unique aspect of the Inquisitorial System is the implementation of the 'Forsaken' decree. This occurs when a House or Estate is excommunicated, either by another House or, more severely, by the Imperial family. In such instances, Inquisitors are authorized to issue warrants leading to the elimination of the condemned party, many times quite violently.

The Arbitrator System

Structural Overview

In contrast to the Inquisitorial System, the Arbitrator System closely resembles legal frameworks familiar to Terrans. It involves a hierarchical structure of Arbiters at various levels, each responsible for hearing cases and delivering rulings.

Hierarchical Levels

  1. The Arbiter: This is the first level, where individual Arbiters listen to cases and make initial rulings.
  2. The Auditor: At this level, Auditors review petitions against the Arbiter's judgments.
  3. The Supreme Council: This four-member panel selectively chooses cases for review, functioning as the highest appellate authority.

Individuals facing the Arbitrator have the option to be represented by an Adjudicator, akin to an attorney in the Terran Confederacy. This provision ensures legal counsel and advocacy, paralleling Terran legal norms.

Interaction with the Inquisitorial System

A notable intersection between the two systems is that civilians, like House citizens, may petition the Inquisitors. Furthermore, Inquisitors hold the rare power to override decisions made at any level of the Arbitrator System, though this is infrequently exercised.

Comparative Analysis

Similarities and Differences

Both systems reflect the Xaltean Empire's intricate social hierarchy and cultural ethos. The Inquisitorial System, with its focus on House affairs, aligns closely with the aristocratic and traditional aspects of Xaltean society. Conversely, the Arbitrator System offers a more democratic and accessible approach, akin to Terran judicial processes, highlighting the Empire's multifaceted legal culture.

Implications and Challenges

The coexistence of these systems poses unique challenges. While the Inquisitorial System emphasizes absolute authority and traditional values, the Arbitrator System incorporates elements of due process and individual rights. This split can lead to conflicts, particularly in cases involving both House members and civilians.

The Inquisitorial System's broad scope of authority, especially in the context of the 'Forsaken' decree, contrasts sharply with the more regulated and appealable nature of the Arbitrator System. This disparity underscores the differing levels of legal autonomy and power distribution within Xaltean society.


The Xaltean Empire's legal system, with its dual approach, presents a complex and multifaceted legal landscape. The Inquisitorial System reflects the Empire's traditional and hierarchical nature, while the Arbitrator System aligns more with modern judicial principles. For a Terran lawyer, this system offers a unique perspective on how legal frameworks can embody the cultural, social, and political nuances of a society. Understanding these systems not only enhances interstellar legal discourse but also provides valuable insights into the governance and societal structure of the Xaltean Empire.

© 2018 – 2025 by Jonathan Snyder

Excerpt from the Journal of Culture And Religion, Issue 234 circa 2261

Within the Xaltean Empire, a fascinating cultural dichotomy exists, painting a vivid picture of tradition and modernity living side by side instead of being replaced. This divide is most prominently seen in the distinction between the average Xaltean civilian life and the revered, yet complex, House System. Let's delve into this intriguing societal structure and understand what sets these two worlds apart.

The House System: A Glimpse into Tradition

The House System, a cornerstone of Xaltean society, is a traditional structure that has been integral since the empire's inception. This system, often the face of Xaltean culture in diplomatic arenas, offers a unique blend of tradition and prestige. It's important to note that while this system holds significant influence, it doesn't impose its rules on civilians outside of it. Yet, its allure is undeniable, drawing many civilians who seek elite skill development and career advancement within its ranks.

Characteristics of the House System:

  • Tradition and Prestige: The House System is steeped in tradition, offering a life of prestige, even for those in basic roles.
  • Elite Skill Development: Joining a House is seen as a pathway to mastering advanced skills and securing a promising career.
  • Ordered Life: Life in a House is structured, providing clarity and direction to its members.

The Flip Side:

  • Restricted Autonomy: Members of a House often face limitations in decision-making, adhering strictly to the directives of those above them.
  • Adherence to the Old Ways: The system sometimes clings to archaic methodologies, which may seem outdated to modern civilians.
  • Inter-House Conflicts: Members may be exposed to risks arising from rivalries or conflicts between Houses.
  • Bonding Contracts: These contracts can limit freedoms, binding members to the House's rules and expectations.

The Life of an Average Xaltean Civilian

In contrast to the structured life of the House System, the average Xaltean civilian enjoys a more liberated existence. This part of society is characterized by its diversity, freedom of expression, and autonomy.

Key Aspects of Civilian Life:

  • Individuality and Expression: Civilians dress in a variety of styles, showcasing their personal tastes and individuality.
  • Autonomy: They enjoy full control over their lives, making personal choices without the constraints of a hierarchical system.
  • Modern Outlook: Civilians often embrace modern practices and methodologies, setting them apart from the traditionalist approach of the Houses.

The Visible Divide

The differences between these two facets of Xaltean culture are not just ideological but are also visibly apparent. Civilians, with their diverse and colorful attire, stand in stark contrast to House members who don uniforms symbolizing their allegiance and role within the House. This distinction extends beyond clothing to encompass lifestyle, values, and social norms.

A Balanced Coexistence

Despite these differences, both systems coexist, each respected and revered in its own right. The House System, with its promise of security and prestige, continues to attract civilians seeking to learn and excel. Meanwhile, the civilian populace thrives in its autonomy, often viewed as the progressive and modern face of Xaltean society.


The Xaltean Empire, with its rich cultural tapestry, presents a fascinating study in societal dynamics. The coexistence of the traditional House System and the more modern civilian life underscores the empire's ability to harmonize tradition with progress, order with freedom. This duality not only enriches Xaltean culture but also offers a mirror to our own world, reflecting the diverse ways in which societies evolve and thrive.

© 2018 – 2025 by Jonathan Snyder

Excerpt from Human Database maintained by Innocentia Colonies

Celestianity was born out of the remnants of war as much of the planet and colonies were seeking some sort of answer to the horrors they had experienced. This led to the rise of the need for spiritual guidance to persist. Rooted in the fragments of old belief systems, Celestianity weaves together principles from Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism, offering solace and purpose to the denizens of the Terran Confederacy.

In the aftermath of devastating wars that dismantled organized religions, a spiritual void engulfed the cosmos, leaving countless souls yearning for meaning and salvation. From the ashes of the past, Celestianity emerged, born out of the fragments and remnants of its predecessors. Assimilating elements from Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism, Celestianity became a beacon of light, restoring hope and purpose in a universe scarred by conflict.

At the heart of Celestianity lies the profound understanding of cause and effect—a timeless principle resonating throughout the many. Celestians recognize the interconnectedness of all actions and decisions, understanding that their choices have far-reaching consequences that shape their individual destinies and the trajectory of society. This belief serves as a moral compass, guiding Celestians to act responsibly, with mindfulness, and with reverence for the cosmic tapestry of existence.

Central to Celestianity is the unwavering conviction in the transformative power of faith. Celestians understand that faith is not merely an anchor in times of tribulation, but also a catalyst for personal growth and spiritual elevation. By embracing the teachings, principles, and rituals of Celestianity, followers believe they can attain celestial salvation and enlightenment, transcending the limitations of mortal existence. Faith becomes a potent force, illuminating the path towards cosmic harmony and unity with the divine.

As pilgrims in the cosmos, Celestians embark on sacred journeys to revered sites scattered across the vast expanse of space. The primary site being the Altar of Hope on Sanctum Lumina. These pilgrimages provide opportunities for introspection, renewal, and communion with the celestial realms. Immersed in the presence of these sacred spaces, devotees seek solace, enlightenment, and a deeper connection with the cosmic energies that permeate the universe. Accompanying these pilgrimages, prayer becomes a channel through which Celestians communicate their hopes, fears, and aspirations to the higher realms, seeking guidance, solace, and strength.

The initiation into Celestianity takes the form of baptism, a sacred rite symbolizing commitment and dedication to the core tenets of Loyalty, Purity, and Austerity. Loyalty fosters a sense of unity, encouraging Celestians to stand together in pursuit of cosmic harmony. Purity emphasizes moral rectitude and the purification of one's intentions and actions, guiding the faithful to embody righteousness. Austerity, a cornerstone of Celestianity, teaches followers to embrace simplicity and self-discipline, valuing spiritual enlightenment over material desires.

As Celestianity flourished, it embraced a conservative approach to its implementation, seeking to preserve the core principles and rituals that had withstood the test of time. This conservatism ensured the continuity of the faith and provided stability in an ever-changing universe. It served as a reminder of the wisdom contained within ancient traditions, guarding against the dilution of Celestianity's essence.

Within the territories of the Terran Confederacy, Celestianity permeated almost all aspects of society. Its influence extended to governance, cultural practices, and personal ethics, manifesting as a presence in the lives of its adherents and those in the periphery. Celestians actively engaged in public life, guided by their religious convictions to foster harmony, justice, and spiritual enlightenment among their fellow citizens. The religious institutions of Celestianity provided spaces of worship, education, and communal gatherings, serving as vital pillars of the faith.

Celestianity's emergence and evolution within the post-war era symbolize humanity's unwavering pursuit of meaning and purpose. Blending elements of Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism, it created a unique tapestry of beliefs and practices. From the ashes of the past, Celestianity rose to guide countless souls towards salvation, enlightenment, and unity with the cosmos. Its legacy endures as a celestial beacon of hope, illuminating the path for future generations in their search for transcendence and spiritual fulfillment within the vast realms of the Terran Confederacy.

© 2018 – 2025 by Jonathan Snyder