Life Choices

For Henry, the only time that he felt like he was able to comprehend and make good decisions for Blue Blossom Estate was tending to the temple and the manicured lawn about the estate. There was something soothing with walking around the inner courtyard and lawn and in the neatly kept woods that made him at peace.

Especially today, the summer heat had not fully hit per Mistress Maevin Maer’s advisement, and she felt it would be a good few days to make sure everything was the way he liked it. The sun was bright but there was enough clouds to make it easy to see. The heat wafted around him but it was cooled quickly when the breeze picked up. Red Truffets sung in the cheers that mixed with the swishing of the leaves and the Xaltean voices around him.

Now, he was supervising the cleaning and maintenance of the estate temple to the Goddess Ala with about a dozen maids of both genders. Henry was leaning on a rake watching everyone work since the last two times he tried to drag a fallen branch from the storm two days ago or try to wash the marble steps, a maid came chattering at him to admonish him that a lord should not stoop so low as to clean. The maids that he worked with the most had grown to understand him and were a lot more informal...especially when the Mistress wasn’t around. Henry had seen the softer side of the dark haired beauty who ruled the estate. He had seen her smile. In front of any of the other staff, she was cold and when there was impropriety or disrespect, she was ruthless. There were quite a few times that he walked in on Maevin chewing out Arch Maid Abiva or Arch Maid Nish who stood there and took the admonishment with a stoic presence. Henry was amazed. They took the tongue lashing but were also bold enough to push back for their maids when needed, even when it sparked a deeper hury in their mistress’ eyes. Those two defended their people and the human could see why they were in their positions. They spoke to power with confidence.

Henry Patton shook himself out of his thoughts when he heard him being called. He focused to see a very beautiful woman bouncing towards him waving her arm to get his attention.

Oh, god, Henry thought realizing it was Minda. Minda was a new addition to the estate after the releasing ceremony where bonded maids who had reached the end of their contracts were released from the house. With this woman, it was extremely difficult to keep one’s eyes above her collar bone. She was bubbly more than any Xaltean he met and was also prancing from one chore to the next. Her thick, red hair bounced about but the problem was that her hair was not the only thing that bounced.

Minda detested wearing her top and so when she moved, all eyes were drawn to a pair of breasts that were so captivating, Henry had even seen Xalteans stop to watch this masterpiece of beauty. And that masterpiece was coming right for him.

“Yes, Minda?” Henry asked desperately trying to keep eye contact.

“I spoke with Nizzie and she said I needed to come back, she was almost finished with clearing the brush from the trail to the lake.”

Nizzie, the blond haired maid with pigtails was slacking off again but at the moment, Henry could not think about anything more than not leering. His heartbeat in his chest as she stepped a bit closer since Minda wanted to whisper conspiratorially.

“I think she’s got some wine hidden around there.”

They...she was so close.


Minda’s face went pale; she quickly stepped back and folded her hands in front of her bowing her head. Sweeping up beside him, in her blue skirt and top was his second in command.


“Do not enter your master’s space so freely,” Maevin said, her voice like ice. “Especially in your state of dress. You are aware of our master’s heritage, and you will not insult him by flaunting yourself in front of him. Cover them or I shall have them whipped.”

Henry remained silent knowing full well that if he opened his mouth, he would undermine her authority.

“See if Utena needs any help with polishing the marble,” Henry said gently giving the girl a way out.

The woman gave him a quick bow and retreated in almost a run towards the temple. Henry looked at Maevin and she was pinching the bridge of her nose.

“You okay?” Henry asked.

“Minda is...a bit much,” Maevin sighed looking over to him. “I have spent all this time trying to get you to adjust to our culture and then she shows up and even distracts our own people.”

Maevin sighed again as she watched Minda begin rocking on her heels while talking to a maid, oblivious that the dark-haired maid was not looking at her face but appeared to be hypnotized. “I find myself a bit jealous at times.”

“You shouldn’t!” Henry said quickly trying to keep his mistress from being hard on herself. “Your breasts are wonderful too!”

And that was when he choked. What did he just say? He did not just say that to the woman beside him. Maevin’s face was shocked for a moment and then a big smile crossed her face; the woman’s eyes sparkled mischievously.

“My master,” she said. “That is the first time you have complimented my body. I’m breathless.”

“I...uh...I didn’t mean to say...what I mean to say that you are very beautiful and perfect the way you are and—-”

“—-you think my breasts are wonderful.”

Henry groaned, his face exploding in color. It was his turn to pinch the bridge of his nose and wince.

“Anything else you’d like to tell me?” Maevin pressed with mirth in her voice.

“Your legs are really nice too,” Henry muttered.

Maevin giggled. The first time to hear it outside the privacy of his office. She turned to see Tox, their chief of security walking down the path from the estate.

“I shall not press you about what else you enjoy about me.”


“For now.”

Oh, this was going to be a rough few days.

“What is it?” Maevin asked, her official tone coming back. The dark skinned man bowed to both of them before speaking. His eyes roamed around checking everything like the security guard he was.

“Lord Henry has a guest.”

“There is no one on the list for today,” Maevin said, her voice becoming harder. “Who thinks they can just walk in without his or my approval?”

“They are Terran and they carry a Writ of Service from House Ukesa,” Tox responded. “I do not have the authority to refuse her.”

Maevin’s face was more puzzled than furious. “Please make them comfortable in the lounge. Tell them the Lord of the Estate will be there momentarily.”

Tox bowed again from the waist, turned to leave and stopped. His eyes were out near the temple and a big grin crossed his face. Maevin and Henry looked out and saw that Minda was now trying to jump up and grab a branch from one of the tiles of the temple.

“Amazing view today,” Tox commented.

“Yes. We know,” Maevin responded flatly.

As they walked back down the path, Henry was full of questions while Maevin was reading the information logged on the visitor.

“House Ukesa? That’s not on the registry of the Gray Council,” Henry started and Maevin nodded.

“House Ukesa is our religious caste. They practice and teach our religion, and they are responsible for making sure all temples and holy sites are taken care of. The House has a charter put in place over a thousand years ago by the imperial family and they have a right on any planet in the empire, regardless of house. It just needs to have holy site on it.”

“And this write of service?”

“House Ukesa can issue what is called a writ of service, usually to acolytes who are not yet members of the house or faithful members of opposing houses that want to visit a site under control of a hostile house. This is the first time I have heard of a Terran receiving one.” She waved the tablet in confusion. “I do not know what a Voltary is.”

Henry felt a jolt of anxiety at that word. The young man never went into detail about his upbringing but he knew what that was.

“I do.”

Maevin looked at him as they made a corner. “Is it an Earth Alliance thing?”

“Earth Alliance? Why do you say that?”

“Your Terran Confederacy, the paperwork that our master High Baron Avernell gave to me stated you were a citizen of the Earth Alliance, are you not?”

The Terran Confederacy was made up of four sovereign governments that were bound together by the Treaty of the Stars. It appeared that Avernell had either not known, or he fudged the fact for his ease in transition.

“No. I am a citizen of the Holy Innocentia.”

Maevin startled at that. He had never seen her that caught off guard.



“And the Voltary?”

“Female clergy of Celestianity.”

Maevin was silent. He had never seen the look on her face before. There was a mixture of surprise and trepidation.


She remained silent as they climbed up the steps to the large patio to head to the sliding glass door.


Henry gently grabbed her arm and stopped her. He gulped as she looked down at his hand around her forearm and back up to him, her eyes unreadable.

“We...we have offended you.”

“No!” Henry said vehemently. “You nor anyone here has offended me. You all have been wonderful to me and I would never think badly of you.”

“You are Innocentia. We did not take into consideration your beliefs and committed the highest of disrespect. Your people are the absolute opposite of us and do not like us.”

Henry felt like he was losing her. She was withdrawing into the shell from when they first met, the sheen of civility that he had only begun to crack. He had to do something to stop this. He knew that the Xalteans had an extreme distrust and issue with the Innocentia as they were polar opposite. He did not want to lose his friend now. The young Terran grasped at the first thing he did.

“Mistress Maer,” Henry said trying to sound official. “Are you doubting my word?”

She blinked at him, confusion filling her face. He turned her to face him fully. “You are my mistress of my estate, and you will act like it and not shut me out because of your preconceived opinions.”

“Lord Henry—”

“Or do I need to take you to my office to be disciplined for your behavior towards me.”

That woke her up. The trance that Maevin had been in broke. She blinked and the warmth came back to her voice.

“Did you just threaten to discipline me?” Maevin asked, her eyes sparkling again.

“I...uh...yes, I did,” He responded trying to maintain the authority he had. It just evaporated in front of her.

“I see. I assume you wish to bend me over your knee?” She said, her grin growing bigger. “I believe my legs are not the only thing you admire. You don’t have to come up with such a pretense if you wish me to show you.”

“Maevin!” Henry said blushing, giving up his air of authority. Henry let her go. “Please. I need you to keep me going. I can’t do this without you.”

That smile was genuine.

Tox met them in the grand hallway and informed them that the Voltary had insisted on waiting in Henry’s office which Tox made it clear he did not feel comfortable to argue with. Maevin smoothed her dress a few times before Henry stopped her.

“You’re fine,” he said with a smile.

“I wish to give your people a good impression,” Maevin added. “I do not want to make your return in the future to be difficult.”

Henry took a moment to pause, smooth down his clothes again and then push the door open trying to look as business like as he could. He only took three steps in before he froze, his blue eyes locking on a pair just like his. The woman sat there on the couch, hands folded in her lap. She wore the official garments of her position, the black skirt the fell all the way to the floor but slits on both sides so that her legs could move freely. Those legs were covered with gray leggings. The material was form fitting up her waist and a simple white segment covered her chest where the aquamarine necklace bearing the symbol of the Holy Innocentia lay catching the light from the sun. Her brown hair flowed down her back followed by the black habit trimmed in white.

“Divine Priestess, your light illuminates my path.” Henry said switching to English not realizing he had been holding a decent conversation with Maevin in Xaltean.

“Gentle soul. You honor me with your words,” she intoned standing and allowing the folds of her skirt to cascade to the floor.

Henry had repeated these lines enough in church and when encountering the clergy of Celestianity. His nation was quite religious being classified as a theocracy so it was quite common to have belief mixed in every day life.

“I am glad to see that you are well, Henry, “ her quiet voice said demure but he could see the confidence in her eyes.

“Thank you, Voltary,” Henry said with a slight bow. Maevin, once entering the room, had gone the opposite way near Siv’s desk and waited out of the way.

“Please, Henry, don’t treat me like this.” She said with a soft laugh.

“I wasn’t expecting you, Modesty,” the young man responded. “You know what mother would say if I forgot my manners.”

“My master,” Maevin spoke up in lightly accented English. “Do you wish me to prepare tea for your honored guest?”

“Yes, Maevin, please,” Henry said giving his Mistress a comforting smile. Rarely has he seen her unsure of herself. “You know my preference and please prepare a simple tea with no sweetener.”

Henry turned back to his guest. “Unless you have made your golden bands?”

“I have but still prefer no sweeteners,” the woman responded, the gentle smile not leaving her face.

“As my master wishes,” The mistress said with a bow.

As soon as she left, Henry noticed the drop in her shoulders as she relaxed.

“She’s beautiful.”

“Modesty,” Henry started but she waved her hand.

“I’m not here to offer penance, Henry, unless you ask. I wanted to see how you were hanging among these…people.”

Henry heard hesitation in her voice, and he felt the rile of anger he felt the last time someone insulted his people.

“They are good people who have worked hard and I am lucky to have earned their trust.”

There was talking outside his patio window as three maids, one man and two women walked by discussing a harvesting technique they wanted to try. All three were topless with two have their tvekel skirts wrapped around their waist while the other girl was completely naked.

“You appear to have quite an interesting view,” Modesty said flatly watching them go.

The door opened and Maevin came in followed by Abiva, her short black hair and intensely curious eyes. The Arch Maid set the tea tray down, bowed with hands folded in front of her ad exited while Meavin expertly set out the cups and poured it over the dry leaves in side. The rich bouquet filled the room.

“Don’t start with me,” Henry said with a sigh. “Mom has already been giving me a hard time.”

The only sign that Maevin had startled was the slight tremor in her hand as she poured the tea. Modesty smiled up at the Mistress. “Henry, would you introduce me?”

“Oh. Yeah,” Henry said realizing he hadn’t done that. He turned to Maevin. “Voltary, this is my Mistress, Maevin Maer of Blue Blossom Estate.”

“It is nice to meet you, “the priestess responded.

“Maevin, this is Modesty Patton. My twin sister.”

“Sister?” Maevin said with surprise barely hidden in her voice.

“That is correct,” Modesty continued. “May I have some time with my brother?”

The Mistress of the estate looked towards her master who nodded to her with a smile to make sure she knew everything was okay. When they were alone, the official façade of her position vanished and Modesty leaned back with her teacup and slowly swirled it.

“Have you truly been well, Henry?” she asked without looking up. Henry also leaned back and folded his arms across his chest trying to keep his calm. The young man had suspected something like this.

“I am fine. Mom and dad should have told you that. You don’t need to worry about me.”

“She has told me as much though she is very concerned about the temptation that you face every day. You know how she feels about it.”

“What do you mean?” Henry asked, taking a sip though he was confident of what it was.

“Take heed, for temptation cometh as a serpent in silk, slithering with whispers sweet and beguiling. It allureth thine heart with honeyed words, and weaveth snares unseen to ensnare the unwary. Therefore, be vigilant, and guard thy spirit with the armor of wisdom, lest thou be taken unawares and led astray from the path of righteousness,” Modesty responded.

Canticle of Wisdom chapter one verse twelve of the book of Harmonium, the holy book of his people. Henry knew a lot of those by heart thanks to the strict religious education he grew up with. He was not going to be outdone by his sister though.

“Judge not, I beseech thee, those who walk a path unlike thine own, for thou knowest not the burdens they bear, nor the trials they have endured. Seek first to understand with a heart full of grace and a spirit of humility, that ye may find wisdom in the differences and discern the common light that dwelleth in all. For in the eyes of the divine, every soul hath its worth, and understanding is the seed of harmony,” Henry responded.

The smile that crossed his sister’s face was a mix of impressed and cunning.

“Encouragements 10:10. You remember.”

“Dad drilled that one in my head enough times.”

“Then how about. And it is decreed, that one soul shall cleave unto another in sacred union, and thus shall they be bound, one to one, in the sight of the divine. Keep thyself pure and unblemished before this covenant, for such is the way ordained by the Creator. Let not thy heart be swayed nor thy body be defiled, but honor the sacred bond that bringeth forth harmony and blesseth the union of souls.’ Do you remember that one?”

“Concord 12:1. Mom’s favorite.” Henry leaned forward to make eye contact with his sister. “Stop beating around the bush, Modesty.”

“I am concerned for your purity and resolve in returning and marrying Bethany Müller. Our father and Shepherd Khan worked hard for this betrothal. The Müller family is very high ranked among the families being the descendent of an original founding family.”

“I’m not having sex with the women here,” Henry shot back, the anger slipping in his voice. “And I’m tired of everyone thinking I don’t have any self-control.”

“Do you?”

Whatever happiness he had for seeing his sister evaporated as her usual behavior crashed into his emotions. Modesty Patton had always been extremely religious even among his own family and though he knew she did not mean it as an accusation, he took it as that. Henry also did not need to be reminded that a rich girl among his people had taken an interest in a farmer boy. He felt himself lucky for that.

“I don’t appreciate the accusation, Voltary,” Henry warned. A swell of pride filling him. At this moment, in front of his sister, he could feel how much he had grown under the tutelage of his Mistress. He had always felt inferior around Modesty for how much people adored her knowledge and piety. “Furthermore, I do not need you or anyone else trying to tell me what I need to do. I am an adult; I am a recognized lord of an estate under House Avernell and I command an entire sector for her grace the Empress of Xaltea. Don’t you dare suggest I cannot control myself.”

How much he had changed was obvious on the face of his sister who was unable to show her surprise from how much he had changed. She blinked multiple times before trying to speak again.

“Henry, I wasn’t trying to demean you. I just wanted to advise you, so you don’t get lost among these people.”

“I am managing quite well on my own. I appreciate the concern but it’s not needed.”

There was a tone of dismissal in his voice that Modesty had picked up on. She set down her tea and gave him a smile though he could see something in her eyes. A concern that he hadn’t seen before.

“Then I shall take my leave. I must return to my convent before the White Roses. I am glad to see you again, Henry.”

The two stood and they walked to the door. He opened it and found across the room Maevin and two maids were waiting. They expertly came forward.

“I’m going to go with my sister to the port to see her off.” Henry said. “Can you prepare a vehicle to take us to Bellentine?”

“Yes, my master!” one maid said with a quick bow and hurried off.

“Let me grab my compu-pad,” Henry said stepping away. He hurried to his desk and made his way back. It was the murmur on the other side of the half-opened door that made him slow.

“I know what you’re trying to do,” Modesty’s voice said accusatory.

“You’ll need to clarify, Voltary,” Maevin’s voice came back cool though he knew her long enough to know she was attempting to maintain her temper.

“Trying to seduce him and get him to slip from the hallowed path.”

“A bold accusation.”

“I’ve been here long enough to see that this building is staffed with ninety percent women all in different states of undress. My brother is a good kid and doesn’t need you all try to seduce him. He has a fiancé at home.”

“Be careful with your assumption,” Maevin warned. Henry could feel the charge in the air and wanted to jump in and break them up but something kept him rooted at the other side of the door eavesdropping. “Henry Patton is an honorable man who has never taken advantage of any companionship that was freely offered and rejected by him. He has the loyalty of this estate and the admiration of the cities under our jurisdiction. You fail to give him the credit of strength that he has earned.”

Henry blushed at this.

“Furthermore, do not think I am a stupid woman. You pretend to be here to check in on your brother but I know that you are here on the behest of the Shepherds Council.” “What are you saying?” Modesty demanded but there was a tremor of unease in her voice.

“No voltary like you could ever convince House Ukesa to give a foreigner a Writ of Service unless she was backed by her organization. I have friends among our priest class. I can easily verify that you are here under diplomatic protections.”

The Shepherds had sent someone to check up on him? The ramifications of something like that hit hard. In a way, he could understand. He was not only the first human to be in charge of an estate, but he was also of the Innocentia so his actions would reflect on them.

“Fine,” Modesty huffed. “He is still my brother though. I will check on him when I see fit.”

“But the next time you come, I expect you to follow proper political channels, or I will inform our Master High Baron Hesh Avernell that you and your Innocentia caused a diplomatic incident. I sincerely believe that the Terran Confederacy wouldn't want to put our government’s tenuous relationship at risk.”

There was silence. No retort, no smart remark. In a few sentences, Maevin had cut her down to size. His mistress was terrifying.

“Ready?” Henry said coming through the door after putting a smile on his face. He did not know want to give away that he had been listening.

Modesty did not respond but refused to make eye contact. Maevin gave him her official nod and motioned down the hall.

“The vehicle will be waiting.”

When the shuttle bearing his sister lifted off and climbed into the sky towards the waiting ship above, Henry turned to Maevin.

“I apologize for my sister. My people are very religious as you know.”

“I actually should be the one apologizing,” Maevin responded. They made their way through the space port back to their vehicle.


“I know you were listening to our conversation,” Maevin said matter-a-fact. “I should have never spoken to your family in such a tone.”

“You made a good point. I didn’t even see the political angle on this. Still learning.”

“Still,” The mistress of Blue Blossoms said climbing up into the vehicle followed by Henry. They both sat across each other as the hatch was sealed. “I have a temper and my words were inappropriate.”

Maevin leaned forward, the smile that she reserved just for him when they were alone. “I may need to be disciplined for my actions. Would you like to do it now?”

Henry flushed.

© 2018 – 2025 by Jonathan Snyder