The Scarlet Order

“No, no,” Yil laughed as the two other maids in the room tittered in amusement. Even Siv, who was at her desk in the corner, had a smile grace her pretty face briefly as she worked. Henry Patton had just attempted to pronounce a phrase that they were working on in Xaltean and the girls present could not hold in their laughter.

Yil was a beautiful woman with straw blond hair who had become his secret heshut…though he still did not quite understand the meaning of that word and now he was too scared to ask.

“What…what did I do?” Henry asked nervously though he knew they did not mean anything by it. The two girls in the room outside of Yil and Siv did not speak English so whatever he had done got them to break decorum and giggle. “The phrase for ‘You are a proud woman, and I will follow’ is smekihan ki vae atagugen mi ki. The word for woman, kihan, should have the emotional prefix sme not khe. You said khekihan.”

“And that’s different?” Henry asked.

Yil tried her best to keep her face straight and calm, but the mirth just kept bubbling over. “What you said was, ‘You are a slutty woman, and I’ll follow you to bed.’”.

Henry pinched the bridge of his nose. Of course he said that.

“The correct emotional prefix is important,” Yil lectured gently. “I know the introduction of emotional prefixes on top of tense prefixes we learned but we use them quite often in oratory. Something a Lord of your stature should know if you plan to speak without a translator. The sme is the emotion of pride. Khe is the emotion of lewdness.”

“But…doesn’t khekihanma mean mistress?” Henry asked confused. “I don’t want to be calling Maevin a slut if that’s the meaning of the word.”

“Khekinanma is mistress but in a sexual sense. A khekihanma within the estate system is usually the woman put in charge of the concubines or khekihanxa. The word you are looking for is xikihanma to refer to our mistress of Blue Blossom.”

“But…xi is a second person pronoun,” Henry said confused.

“Xi is also a preposition for hard.”


“Context and repetition,” Yil said with a gentle pat on his hand. “Aetaaekume ki shinda kit.”

Henry knew that phrase. She had said he would understand one day and then his title of Lord of the Green.

“You used aeta tense for far future instead of ata for near future,” Henry teased. “You think I’m that hopeless?”

Yil giggled again but did not answer.

Out of the corner of his eye, Henry saw Siv gently brush the earring clipped to her ear moving her long hair and it gently pulsed. He knew that those were the communication devices that a lot of the higher-ranking servants wore to keep in contact with each other and the Mistress. They were also designed to be unobtrusive. The left arm gauntlet he wore had one built into the rich leather.

What got Henry’s attention was the emotion that crossed her face. It had gone to shock and then fear. Siv stood and immediately moved towards the door. “Everyone out. Now.” She ordered. The tone in her voice hard but trembling. None of the servants disobeyed her. They immediately grabbed their items and fled the room.

“Siv, what’s going on?” Henry said standing, eyes wide with concern.

“My worst nightmare,” she responded though he was confident that was not to him. The woman’s eyes darted around as if she was thinking or looking for something and then her jaw became firm.

“My lord. We have a visitor. One that I cannot stop from seeing you,” she said quickly turning on him and a bow of her head.

“Your mistress while Maevin is at Quasel City with Dark Cliff Estate,” The young man said trying to understand what was going on.

“I don’t have time to explain,” the woman responded with sorrow in her voice. “I accept any punishment for leaving you unprepared.”

“Siv…” he started but the ornate wood door opened majestically, and a figure strode in. Henry’s eyes grew wide at the woman who walked in confidently. The terran man was used to the state of undress that many Xalteans exhibited but this was different. The woman had on a red robe that wrapped around her and barely clung to her body, a long loin cloth wrapped around her waist and reaching the ground. Only one breast was covered while the other was presented for all to see. The dark blue ink of a swirling tattoo starting at her nipple and then spread out like a branch much like the tattoos he had seen some of his own servants wearing. Henry had seen nudity but with the darker eyeliner and red lips, she bore a strong sexuality that he had not encountered.

“My lord!” she said in the silkiest Xaltean voice he had heard. She was speaking English which added to the exoticism of her presence. “Thank you so much for taking the time to see me.”

“You’re…welcome?” Henry said glancing over to Siv. His interim Mistress had folded her hands in front of her and had lowered her head taking on a submissive pose.

“I am Sovereigness Niskili Baesha. Your servant did not announce me?”

There was something friendly but accusatory in her voice. Henry’s eyes narrowed as he heard the tone of disdain. Nobody insulted his people. “Your arrival was unplanned,” he said trying to sound official. He motioned to the sofa chair in front of his desk as he sat down. “You’ll have to forgive me for not being ready.”

Those violet eyes bore into him, studying his reaction as she made herself comfortable.

“Siv, would you please call for tea?” he asked, trying to remember everything Maevin had taught him and the few conversations with the specialists on the subject. He had dived headfirst into learning proper protocol after what had happened at the tekiasetel. “Could you also please ask Maela to come?”

“Your Emissary maid is not needed,” Niskili cut him off with a wave. “I am not surprised that Maevin has not briefed you on who I am and the order I represent. As a Terran, she had assumed she was protecting your sensibilities.”

“My sensibilities?”

“Of course,” she said with a smile that felt predatory. “There are facets of our culture that she still hides from you. I have requested a meeting with you, my lord, for a few months now. Your Mistress has refused.”

“Then you know she’s not here and Siv stands in her place?” Henry asked realizing how things had been set up.

“Siv is your mistress at the moment?” the woman said with a brief raising of eyebrow as she glanced over to the woman. “How…amusing.”

Niskili settled back into the chair more; crossing her leg wide enough that Henry knew she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. He refused to allow her to get the better of him. The young Terran felt that somehow his estate was on trial. “I would not be the Sovereigness if I did not keep tabs on things like this, especially when it is someone so unique as you that I wanted to meet.”

Maevin had been keeping this person from him? What was he getting into? Henry glanced towards Siv who met his eyes and the panic was still there.

“Allow me to explain,” Niskili said. “I am from the Scarlet Order of House Aldinav.” Scarlet Order. That was not something the Lord of the Blue Blossom Estate had heard before. Based on her expression, he was confident she knew that.

“I do not recognize your order. I apologize.” Was that official and polite enough? “It is not a problem. In short, I am in charge of the training and the assignment of concubines and heshut to those I deem worthy within the empire, of course, paying deference to any command of our Empress and House Vaesh.”

Concubines. That was a word he knew. Everything came into focus. The aura, the look, the eyes. Henry knew sex was not a taboo subject among the Xalteans but he should have realized that there would be organizations like hers.


“That is a synonym, not my favorite, but yes. We provide more than just sexual services though. My concubines and courtesans are trained in quite a few arts that are prized across the Empire. You should have encountered my courtesans at your tekiasetel? We were asked to provide the Hour of Candles for House Nevakev.”

Oh. That. The smile on her face broadened a bit more. “But you avoided that, didn’t you?”

“I feel that you already know the answer,” Henry grumbled.

She leaned forward just slightly with a grin that he could only think as being predatory. “But of course. I was hoping to lure you with one of my beauties, but you appear to be more…reserved than I anticipated for a human.”

“It sounds like you have been using stereotypes for my people. Something I have been guilty of myself,” Henry offered diplomatically.

“Siv, go get us some tea like a good girl? Let the adults talk.” Niskili said abruptly towards the quiet girl who had grown pale.

There was something in the tone, an emotion that made his heart grow cold and anger well up inside him. He did not know how, but Henry knew that this woman was insulting his friend.

“Sovereigness,” Henry said forcing his voice to become hard as steel. “While in my estate, you will respect my servants for the position and titles they hold. Am I clear?”

“Lord Henry,” Niskili started with a smile that felt dangerous. “I did not mean any sort of—”

“Am I clear, Sovereigness? Or will I need my Chief of Security to escort you to your shuttle?”

Siv blanched at that and Niskili seemed genuinely surprised at his words. She leaned back and lowered her head with deference. “I understand, my lord.” Henry let out the breath he was holding and turned to Siv. “Mistress Siv. If you would be so kind as to see if Burdak has any maids to spare for some tea?”

“Ye…yes, my master,” She choked out. She looked between the two rapidly. Henry knew she didn’t want to abandon him.

“It’s quite alright,” Henry said with a smile. “I do not want to take up too much of her grace’s time.”

“Of…of course, my master.”

Siv hurried away and the door closed shut behind them.

Whatever politeness Niskili was showing melted away as she steepled her hands in front of her face and that dangerous smile came back.

“What?” Henry asked.

“It has been quite a long time since anyone was brave enough to chastise me, especially in front of the servants. I may have severely underestimated you.” Henry slowly stood as he adjusted a few things on his desk and then folded his hands. He was not going to be caught behind his desk if she tried to attack him. “Those who work here mean a great deal to me,” Henry responded. “I would have said that to anyone who insulted my people.”

“Including the Empress?”

Henry hesitated for a moment and then nodded firmly. “Even to her. Though I would have worded it differently.”

The Sovereigness of the Scarlet Order burst out laughing, a smoky sound that filled the room.

“Oh, you are something, Lord Henry.”

“What has brought you here?”

“Ah. To the point. Let us begin.”


It was about two hours of Niskili slowly explaining the history and importance of House Aldinav, including how it was an unregistered house that did not fall under any of the Gray Council. Niskili explained how high-ranking people who could not risk issues with the blood line would request concubines and how they would also be great intelligence gatherers of the social circles. Even how they were considered a sign of stature to be given someone trained by them. “Are you familiar with the Angels?” she asked as she sipped her tea.

“The elite bodyguards from House Gijol?” Henry confirmed.

“Yes. You know how they are given as presents from the Imperial Family and sworn to the lord and not to the estate?”

He nodded. “Maevin went over that with me.”

“Well, my concubines are the same way. When one is given to you, they are sworn to you and not to the estate. Their allegiance is to their master, not to the Empire.” Niskili finished.

“And that’s why you want to do this?” Henry asked holding up the thin computer pad she had given him earlier.

“Well, it’ll be good for you in one way and—”

The conversation did not go any further when the oak doors exploded open and a figure marched in. The dark cascading hair, the piercing blue eyes, and the crown immediately made Henry realized that his Mistress had returned. He had also never seen such fury and hatred in her eyes before.

“Ah. Maevin!” Niskili said standing and setting down the tea. “I did not expect you back for two more days. I’m surprised you knew to come back.”

Siv walked in behind her and Niskili made eye contact. “Oh. So that’s how you knew.”

“Don’t you dare even try to speak to me this way, Sovereigness,” Maevin spat with abject fury. “You were expressly forbidden to enter Blue Blossom Estate, and you know damn well that my word outweighs any sort of power you have! Our High Baron will hear of this.”

Niskili looked at Henry. “You will allow your Mistress to speak like this?” “Do I need to call my Chief of Security?” Henry shot back.

Niskili sighed and held up her hands in surrender. “Fine. Yes, Mistress. I directly disobeyed your orders specifically to help your master achieve more here in the Empire.”

“What did you do?” Maevin demanded.

Henry held up a pad. “She has asked me to take two concubines to the Blue Blossom Estate.”

“Two?!” Maevin said shocked. She spun back to Niskili. “What are you planning?” Niskili looked to Siv and Maevin saw the movement.

“I’ll take my leave, mistress,” the woman said before quickly fleeing the room. “They are the twin son and daughter of Duchess Sakeza of House Vanen and High Baron Makel of House Kolisai.”

Maevin immediately froze, the anger in her face fading immediately to a mixture of concern and curiosity.

“You’re joking,” Maevin responded.

“I wish I was. I was just explaining to your master that the existence of these children, though legal, poses a succession problem for Kolisai due to the son being older than the heir from his wife. You know how unstable the relationship is with Kolisai. No one knew the parentage until recently. Tavik now does.”


“I don’t know but Kolisai has multiple trade agreements with House Irisik and we know Irisik and House Tavik are extremely close.”

Henry decided it was time to speak up. “She wants to hide them here. Since House Patton-Avernell is semi-registered, it would be difficult to come for them since all eyes are on us for this experiment.”

“And you accepted?” Maevin asked, her eyes narrowing.

“I have not.”

“But I believe he plans too.” Niskili added.

“My master,” Maevin started but he raised his hand for her to stop. He made sure to give her a kind smile to know he wasn’t angry at her.

“Sovereigness Baesha, I’ll accept the two charges—”


“I’m not finished. I’ll accept the two charges, but they were be registered to the as Estate Maids under Arch Maid Abiva.” Henry finished.

A look of surprise covered Maevin’s while Niskili’s darkened.

“Estate maids? These two are highly trained concubines who deserve the privilege and rights they earned.”

“They will be respected for their training,” Henry continued sitting down at his desk and getting out his digital seal. “But they will not be registered as concubines with my estate.”

“And why is that?” Niskili asked crossing her arms.

“For one, registering them as concubines advertises exactly where they are located and we literally have Black Forge, a House Irisik estate, seventy miles to the east of Belentine and two, I’m not letting you use my status for your own benefit.”

Niskili canted her head to the side and tried to keep the serious expression though a smirk tugged at the corner of her mouth.

“And whatever do you mean?”

“Do you think I don’t know what it would do for your reputation if you could get a human lord of an experiment house to accept two concubines? Especially with what happened at the tekiasetel. You haven’t earned my respect for such a thing.” Now it was Maevin’s turn to blanch at his words, but he stuck to it. He held out the tablet. “So, the two will be registered as maids, I will protect them until such time as they need to return to you and in the future, when I feel we have reached a good balance, I shall request your advice on a concubine. Or you can take this pad and return to your house.”

Silence reigned between the two and it finally broke with Niskili sighing and give a little laugh. She gave Maevin a pat on the arm. “Excellent job teaching him, Maevin, my dear. Masterful for such a talent like you.”

“Thank you,” Maevin responded coldly.

“I shall accept your terms,” Niskili added and she nodded at the tablet. “My signature is already there. The two are in my shuttle. If you sign, I shall have them moved immediately to your Arch Maid’s care.”


Everyone had left Henry alone after that and it was evening when Siv opened the door and leaned into see him.

“Siv,” Henry said with a smile looking up from the last of the paperwork he was doing.

“The mistress sent me to see if you need anything before we start your evening routine.”

“No, I’m good but can you speak with me for a minute?”

There had been something bothering him from the few remarks and attitude Niskili had. Henry had never gotten the chance to ask as the Sovereigness had left immediately afterwards.

“Of course.”

Siv came in and gently closed the door behind her.

“I wanted to ask you about the way the Sovereigness treated you. I feel like she knew you?”

The woman smiled embarrassed, her face flushing.

“If it’s none of my business…” Henry started.

“It is. It’s just a part of my life I thought was going to stay gone. Niskili knows me as I was one of her courtesans once.”

Oh. That explained a lot that Henry did not know he needed explained. How out of all the maids, she was the most comfortable being herself, wearing nothing when she wanted and even caused a few of the maids to blush with her innuendo when she thought he wasn’t listening or understood the words.

“Oh. You were? Did you retire?”

“I failed,” She admitted with a shrug though he could see it still stung. “I failed the last test, and it was pretty humiliating. High Baroness Ilesh had a few choice words for the Sovereigness. I wound up getting the Altar, a good caning, and banished from the Order.”


Henry knew caning was a thin rod against the buttocks, an old punishment that was removed from the Imperial Contract code except when added as a clause to the bonding. The Altar was the highest punishment. It was meant as a humiliation above all. It consisted of the individual having their neck and arms chained to the ground with their head close and their ankles chained in such a way that they were forced to raise their lower body up and put on display. They were also unclothed. Maevin had explained that being exposed in such a vulnerable position, with their most intimate places on display to face the cold, the heat, the weather and the ridicule, was worse than anything else that could be inflicted. Maevin had told him that she would have rather been chained to the pillar and caned than go through that.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to drudge up old memories.”

“It’s okay,” she said with a smile. “You have been sweet to me, my master, and it has made up for the treatment I received. I appreciate you defending me when she insulted me and my position…though it scared me. She has a lot of power even if her house is not registered.”

“No one mistreats my friends,” Henry said with finality.

“I am honored to be considered in such high esteem,” Siv said with a low curtsey. “May I go and prepare your evening snack?”

Henry smiled at her switching back into her role.

“Of course, Maid Siv. Thank you.”

© 2018 – 2025 by Jonathan Snyder