It's So Inappropriate!
At this moment in time, the world was perfect. The Arch Maids had kept their charges in line, the first harvest was going smoothly and was actually ahead of schedule. It was one of those blessed moments that Mistress Maevin Maer could actually relax.
At the moment, she was strolling through the section of hallways that was open to the inner courtyard and thus open to nature. The cool breeze swept through her skirts and she made sure to walk at a more casual pace than normal.
It had been four months since her new master had arrived, a human of all people. When the High Baron Hesh Avernell had informed her of it, she had been skeptical. No one had anything good to say about humans and if she was candid with herself, Maevin had been sure she was going to be on her back with her legs open before the day was over.
That didn't happen. Henry Patton was someone completely different than the specter that people whispered in the halls. When he had gotten of the transport shuttle, he looked so timid that if she had raised her voice, he probably have run screaming back to the shuttle.
Her new master was so skittish. His eyes roamed everywhere except to herself and her maids. Any time his eyes landed anywhere else, a blush would cover his face but he grew. Over the months she had watched him change from the timid guy to someone who actually had leadership potential. He was still naive but that was something Maevin could account for. Her High Baron said that she needed to make sure Henry Patton succeeded.
Maevin stopped and leaned on the stone banister that divided the hallway from the garden on the other side. The leaves of the plants and petals of the flowers were still glistening from the morning rain that gently fell in the wee hours of the morning. The rainy season was coming up so it was expected. The glass ceiling would be closed before that hit. The Mistress of the estate watched the plants sway just content in the quiet and serenity of it all.
And there it went. Straightening, she put on her social mask and assumed her role. Running full tilt towards her was a young woman in her usual clothing of a pale pink tvekel blouse and skirt, her black hair done up in three braids that bounced around as she ran. She was newer but Maevin recognized Ikusa, the Estate Maid of the seventh Order.
“Maid Ikusa. What is it?”
Ikusa skidded to a stop in from of the imperious mistress, placed one hand atop of the other at hip level in front of her and bowed hastily trying to show the expected respect.
“It is the master!”
“What of him?” Maevin said, her eyes narrowing. Was he in trouble? Had he been ambushed by some part of their culture she hadn't yet taught him?
“He's with Arch Maid Burdak in the kitchens!”
“This is the master's estate. He may go wherever he pleases,” Maevin responded coldly and not happy for being disturbed over something so obvious.”
“No, mistress! He's with the Arch Maid and he's cooking!“
Maevin frowned. Lord Henry was cooking? The Mistress understood why the girl was freaking out over this. Xaltean lords did not cook for themselves unless they wanted to and if they did, it would have been in a private kitchen, not the galley for the rest of the estate. It was inappropriate but that was about it. Maevin's concern now was propriety and making sure that Henry was respected as he should be.
Swiftly leading the way with Ikusa trailing behind, they made their way through the estate and soon burst into the kitchen. The sight that was before Maevin was a mixture of surprise, horror, and predictable. Burdak was standing by one of the long marble counters where they prepped food. He had his arms crossed watching the three maids that were there with him. In the center of the attention was Lord Henry. He was mid passing a plate to Maid Utena who was reaching out for it. There appeared to be some sort of food on it. It was triangular and appeared to be covered in melted cheese. Nizzie had already taken a bit with a string of cheese between her mouth and the breaded item while the third maid had been examine the item on the counter. They all were looking at her.
Henry was surprised while Maevin was certain Burdak was smirking. For Utena, the skullery maid, and Nizzie, the color had drained from their faces and there eyes were extremely wide. They all knew that it was extremely disrespectful to eat in front of the Lord of the estate without proper protocol and procedure. The fact that these three were planning to stuff their faces with food outside their schedule and in front of their master infuriated Maevin.
“Oh...uh...Maevin,” Henry started, that easy smile coming to his face. “I didn't expect you. Would you like a slice?”
“The Terrans call it a pizza,” Burdak explained as Maevin approached, her eyes narrowed at the Arch Maid. “It is a baked bread with a spiced sauce made from a fruit called a tomato. Items of one's choice is added and then covered with a layer of cheese.”
“I asked Burdak to order the ingredients. I couldn't find anything close to an Earth tomato in our stores.”
“And you chose to bake it here in the galley instead of your private kitchen?” Maevin asked keeping her tone even and polite. As much as she wanted to lecture, she was his to command.
“Burdak mentioned it but I couldn't show you all,” Henry beamed. “I wanted to make this and share as a token of my gratitude for everything you and the maids have done. I wanted to show how it was made so that we can get it into tomorrow's lunch cycle.”
Maevin stood there caught between her wanting to beat some sense in the foolish maids but also appreciate the beaming face. Her heart mellowed a bit realizing that he was just being himself.
“My master, you are very very kind to treat the maids with so much attention,” she started. Henry's face changed slightly and he nodded more to himself.
“It's a social mistake, isn't it?” he said and Maevin let a small smile grace her face to disarm any of his nervousness.
“Please explain to our lord, Maid Nizzie,” Maevin said turning her icy blue eyes to the maid. Nizzie swallowed looking terrified. The Mistress knew that everyone here knew better.
“It is considered inappropriate for those of our station to eat with the lord of the estate without proper protocol being followed. Appropriate dress, correct scene for such a meal, and with the permission of the Mistress.”
“Ah,” Henry said with a sigh setting down the knife he had been using to cut the pizza. “I didn't know that.”
“Burdak should have mentioned it to you,” Maevin responded eyeing the arch maid.
“I felt it was more important for our master to express his excitement over presenting his people's food over protocol. It is three maids whome have proven themselves to be able to keep things to themselves.”
“Is that what you thought?” Maevin asked letting the accusatory tone in her voice.
“I felt that denying Lord Henry would have disappointed him. Something I believe would have been much more inappropriate than a few maids enjoying a meal.”
The Mistress of Blue Blossom's mouth became a firm line. Burdak was not a bonded servant so there was little she could do in the traditional sense. He came with an impressive record and always seemed to be able to phrase things that disarmed her.
“I respect the situation, Maevin,” Henry said with a smile. He looked about. “Please allow the maids to finish their meals.”
The three maids perked up at that but Henry continued.
“And after that, you can have their bottoms switched no more than three times,” he finished. “That way the discipline is met and the order is kept.”
Maevin let the smile come to her face. He was figuring it out. The human was starting to find a balance in enforcing the expectations of the house while still being him.
The three maids on the other hand did not seem pleased.
“But master—–” Nizzie started to whine. Maevin immediately took a step forward to grab the girl by the hair and pull her back. The fact that she was about to complain in front of her Lord caused the anger to burn inside. Henry was quicker though and lifted his hand for silence.
“Nizzie. Do you wish more than three?”
The girl shook her head quickly causing the two yellow pigtails to bounce and immediately went back to eating sullenly.
“Do you wish to have a piece?” Henry asked.
Ikusa, to her credit, folded her hands and bowed. “I shall wait till tomorrow's lunch period, my lord. I wish to be able to sit down.”
Nizzie let out a half strangled sob between bites. Utena's eyes were cast down and so was the other maid but they gingerly took the food to eat.
“You're a mistress, you can have a piece, right?” Henry asked.
“Yes,” Maevin said with a nod. “But I prefer to wait, if it will not offend you, My master.” The mistress was not going to eat in front of him!
“No offense taken,” Henry said cutting himself a slice and moving it to his plate. “I've been looking forward to this.”
Maevin stepped away and turned towards the door. In the shadow, like a good apprentice, stood Siv. She had heard about what was going on and had kept her distance to listen. As the Mistress exited, Siv spoke softly so not to disturb Henry's happiness.
“I'll have the maids dealt with as soon as they're done and Lord Henry will release them,” Siv said with certainty.
“Not to hard,” Maevin said with a sigh. “Lord Henry would not want it and if he sees any welts, he'll stress.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
With that, Maevin glanced at the digital time piece on her delicate wrist and sighed. She had to prepare for the evening briefs about events on the planet.
There went her quiet time.
© 2018 – 2025 by Jonathan Snyder