Spring Updates of the Beloved Universe
Wow. I cannot believe it has been six months since I provided an update for everyone who isn't a member of the discord server. So, here we go!
Beloved Maid: Alone in the Wilds – Released!
I did think I was going to be able to but I actually got the first novella in the Beloved Maid series released!
Beloved Chains: Issue 4
There really isn't much to provide for this section except that Issue 4 isn't dead. The artist who is finishing it up had some unavoidable emergencies that have put this on hiatus.
Pages will be released as soon as I get them!
Beloved Maid: Issue 7
For everyone that is following Beloved Maid, we are on our way through Issue 7 and the good news is that the rest of the series is entirely funded!
After laying out the entire story, there will be twelve issues total and one more novella for this part of the universe! That doesn't mean that it ends with these characters, just the series itself.
Plans for this year
For 2024, I really do not have more plans except for continuing the projects that we already have but also get the collections released that I had been planning for some time. There is the short story collection and Beloved Chains: Spring which combines all the issues of both web comics (plus artwork) into one physical volume.
So, that's that. Not much else to update you with but if there is something specific you'd like to ask, please don't hesitate to leave a comment or join the discord and ask there!
-Xaltean Imperial News
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